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When Will I Stop Dying
5-MeO-DiPT & AMT
by VB
Citation:   VB. "When Will I Stop Dying: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT & AMT (exp26563)". Sep 4, 2003.

  oral 5-MeO-DiPT
    oral AMT
Just recently I stumbled upon an experience report on erowid involving the mixture of 5-me0-DIPT and AMT. The user and his friend ended up in the emergency room after experiencing fairly adverse reactions to the combination. The editors for erowid, possibly skeptical to the veracity of the story, requested others to submit reports concerning the effects of these two substances used in combination. Although only 17 I have had a fair amount of experience with phycoactice substances. Mushrooms (P. Cubensis and Amanitas), LSD, LSA, Ketamine, DIPT, AMT, 5-meo-DIPT, Peyote, MDA, MDMA, PMA, DXM, DMT, Salvia, Cocaine, Nitrous, and assorted pharmaceuticals compose part of the list. In the last year and a half I have tripped over a hundred times. I have included this information not to brag, but rather to give the reader a comparison in which to gauge future decisions concerning the mixture of these two substances (assuming the readers are expressing interest in trying this combination).

Very stupidly, deciding that I was an experienced pychonout (I was immersed in the hype stage which drugs tend to induce) I accepted a pill containing AMT and 5-me0-DIPT from my friend. The chemicals had been ordered and put into pills by my friend, so the substances were in fact as listed above. I ate the pill about two hours prior to the ending of school. During my last class, the familar tryptamine buzz shoved aside my friend sobriety and half an hour later escalated to visuals similar to LSD and nausea worse then amanitas. Confused at the sudden onset, I left class to vomit and wandered outside. Soon, I met some friends and walked about 15 minutes to some woods. About an hour later intense auditory hallucinations had begun and everything had an invariable drone to it. The visuals were only patterns but about three layers thick. To perorate the physical effects I was experiencing I was hallucinating off my hallucination's hallucination.

After walking to the woods I only remember bits and pieces of the next 10 hours. I was trapped inside bubbles each representing an experience, universe, or feeling. I would explore the presented bubble for days only to find that I had been gone for only two seconds. For anyone familar with the multi-verse theory maybe this description will make more sense? Anyway, the experience bacame too intense and my friends tell me that I began running through the woods screaming with no apparent sense as to where I was going. Then, I remember running through parking lots, a golf course, and finally to the end of a privately owned pier. The running was done in a completley paranoid state, believing that I was being shot at. The last I remember was being stuck in a paradigm in which I could predict what was going to happen to me three seconds in advance, which resulted in a reaction, leading to the actual occurence of the event. However, the events were all of a sordid and intense nature.

For example, I remember being hooked up to a heart monitor and hearing the beeping slow down and finally stop, then realize that I was dead resulting in panick which led me to scream and shake myself out of the trance only to find that the beeping was on its last beep. This reoccuring experience as well as one of drowning were predominant throughout the night. The experiences were not just thoughts but actual feelings as if everything was really happening, I was convinced that it was. Then, I remember waking to find myself in the emergency room with many doctors holding me down trying to inject something into me. I interpreted this the wrong way and believed they were trying to kill me. I began fighting, spitting, and screaming at them only to watch the needle go into my arm. To make a long story short, events of similar nature occurred throughout the night until I finally regained some sense as to who I was around 5 a.m. The following morning. I ate the pill around 1:30 the previous afternoon.

I later learned that I was dragged out of the lake as I would not respond to either the property owner's demands or the policeman's. Then I was taken in an ambulance to the emergency room where I stayed for the next ten hours. I had apparently urinated all over my clothes in front of my parents, talked to people on the wall, and all in all had been a huge hassle. A phyciatrist came and tried to set up an appointment with me but I apparently had acted quite belligerent and rudely told him to leave. All in all, it was a terrible experience yet one which I needed. In general, I belive drugs are perceived by many users to be safe, recreational, and able to be controlled. This is true to a certain extent, but in almost every case that I have seen the line between drug use and abuse is crossed leaving the user subject to the drug's control. The detrimental effects are normally not noticed until the user is either dead or awoken by a terrible experience. Luckily for me, I was awoken early enough to realize that in fact I could restore past goals and ties with friends and family that I possessed before I lost control of the real me.

To many, this will seem like a report written by a stupid hippie who had a bad experience and now considers himself enlightened. Or to others, that I overreacted and analyzed everything much too harshly. Well, it is hard to think otherwise with 'Mother Culture' whispering in your ear.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 26563
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 4, 2003Views: 11,872
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5-MeO-DiPT (57), AMT (7) : Combinations (3), Health Problems (27), Various (28)

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