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Eliminating the Brain Fog
DXM & Lecithin
by Grug
Citation:   Grug. "Eliminating the Brain Fog: An Experience with DXM & Lecithin (exp26564)". Sep 9, 2003.

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600 mg oral DXM (powder / crystals)
  12 g oral Lecithin (powder / crystals)
Hi All , this is a short one so you can all read it. I've done DXM for about a year now. I started doing it because it decreases opiate tolerance (all opiate users look this one up, there are proven reports and trials on this) which effectively increases opiate effects several fold.

While I've have several reports of life changing experiences ready to submit i found this little gem out the other day- Lecithin. It's available for $5 for a 250 gram bag at most health food stores, it's sometimes referred to as a 'smart drug', and I read a report that it increases euphoria and eliminates the dumbening and side effects of DXM use.

Well, let me tell you it does. The euphoria was almost unbearable and I can take a 3rd plateau dose and no one would know I'm on anything. I basically feel excellent for the next 2 days. I wont crap on but DXM'ers take note. Try lecithin, its cheap and youll be amazed about the increase of euphoria and clarity and elimination of 95% of side effects and brain fog,

As a side note the lecithin should be placed in a glass of warm water as the granules and just drunk as is, add a little milk if you want, it tastes great! a lot like milk malt. The RDI is a laughable 1.2 grams but you'll need at least 6 or 7 grams for noticeable effects. I've used up to 40-50 with no negative side effects nor have I read of any. On a chemical level, Lecithin contains about 30% choline, a precursor to acetyl-choline.

I hope someone else can eventually shed light on how this makes such a difference.

Peace to all, i hope it works as well for all of you as it has for me.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26564
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 9, 2003Views: 15,490
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DXM (22) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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