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Drug of Choice
Citation:   Pharmboy. "Drug of Choice: An Experience with Tramadol (exp26625)". Jun 19, 2007.

  repeated oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
I’ve used Tramadol off and on for about a year, usually between 200mg – 300mg. To me it’s the most pleasant social opiate-like high because it lacks the drowsiness that often accompanies hydrocodone, oxycodone, opium, and heroin but it maintains a stable euphoric feeling of connection with people around me.

Usually a high starts about thirty minutes after ingestion and a seeping rush follows for about an hour. Then I pretty much feel waves of relaxation and analgesia and this lasts a good 2 – 3 hours more. I usually like taking it in the evening because it gives me vivid, pleasant dreams at night, but on certain occasions I’ve taken it early in the day and the pleasant social feeling lasts pretty much all day. What’s most interesting and unique about Tramadol is its speedy quality that intensifies with physical activity.

After a relaxed evening with some friends, I sometimes go for long long walks because the more my body moves the more speedy and euphoric and intense the high becomes. I’ve tried a wide variety of opiates because it’s easily my favorite class of drugs and while Tramadol does not produce the most intense waking-dream high it allows for a more socially functional high. And if you’re looking for the waking-dream, Tramadol is great to take if I’m going out with friends to a movie I know is terrible. When my body is at rest, the drug reverts back to a more traditional hydrocodone-type high. Then with movement, the speedy feeling returns.

The effects of Tramadol are difficult to describe but generally I would classify it as an extreme mood boost that often, in my case, allows me to work out problems more clearly and less self-destructively. It’s not exactly a real “high” in like a trippy sense but more like a boost (the kind of boost some people experience with smaller amounts of alcohol, but minus the impairment).

When I started using Tramadol I only did it on weekends but during a particularly boring and depressing time in my life I did up my usage to almost daily and I did develop a tolerance. However, the eventual withdrawal I experienced was peanuts compared to what many people describe with other opiates—a little diarrhea and a few headaches that Asprin fixed. I think the diarrhea comes from constipation relief, although Tramadol doesn’t constipate me very noticeable (but it does make my waste have a harder consistency, not to be graphic).

Also, other side effects I’ve experienced is dry mouth and sometimes drowsiness when driving for many hours.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26625
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2007Views: 8,786
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