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Rectal Administraion of DPT
Citation:   uNivErSaL. "Rectal Administraion of DPT: An Experience with DPT (exp26648)". Sep 7, 2003.

75 mg rectal DPT (liquid)
Since there is limited information on rectal administration of dipropyltryptamine, I thought I would share my experience. I have read conflicting reports on whether an MAOI is necessary make DPT active. I had tried DPT via insufflation, but the pain and discomfort offset any perceivable benefits. Not having any equipment for an IM injection, I proceeded to mix 75mg of DPT in warm water, which was then put in my bum. My bum being an exit only portal did not seem to reject the DPT. Effects were felt within 10 minutes. I would say that the effects were comparable to 50-70 mg insufflated. Overall it was a pleasurable experience and I'd prefer rectal administration to nasal; however, IM seems to be what would work the best with the hydrochloride salt.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26648
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 7, 2003Views: 23,467
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