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Unexpected Results
Morning Glory
Citation:   Allen. "Unexpected Results: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp26904)". Jul 26, 2005.

275 seeds oral Morning Glory (tea)
I had done a lot of reading up on Morning Glory seeds, had some good quality untreated seed, and then one day, very much on a whim decided it was time to give 'em a try. This was my first mistake - being casual about what turned out to be a very powerful and sometimes scary experience.

I eyeballed out what I thought would be a good sized dose (second mistake! this was a very heavy dose - one I was not prepared for!) approximately 250 - 300 seeds - around 8 grams. I ground the seeds to powder in a small electric coffee grinder and then stirred that into about one cup of cold water - I didn't want to use too much in case the flavor wasn't good. I put this into a plastic container and put it in the fridge for 4-5 hours.

At 10:00 pm I strained off the liquid using a very fine mesh metal filter from an electric coffee maker. The resulting liquid had a blackish color but did not taste bad - rather nutty.

First effects started to come on after about an hour and a half and seemed really very mild - I felt some itchiness and muscle strain in the insides of my legs (this was always a telltale sign for me when doing acid that things were starting up).

Part way into the second hour I decided that nothing more was going to happen and went to bed. After all I had to go to work the next day but I had figured on a four to six hour trip, and then all would be well, but this was my most serious mistake of all! Count on a full twelve hours of raging hallucinations and then 24 - 48 hours to fully return to normal.

Lying down was the cue for all the lights to go on - in my mind anyway! At first the visuals were very interesting and somewhat controllable, I could call up visions of people I knew and view them in a full 360 degree circle but this quickly accelerated to full color, photo quality craziness that lasted a good two hours. I won't bore you with all the details but I should mention that at one point I was confronted by a Mayan Sun God. He was the spirit of the seeds and he seemed surprised to see me there. He spoke to me in a language that sounded like Spanish but wasn't. I don't remember the upshot of it all but I think he was real in some way.

It was at this point that I realized that I had to go to work in the morning and that the trip was not lessening after five hours but was still accelerating. This really got stuck in my head and of course made the whole experience much more difficult to enjoy or use in any way. The good thing about it all was this - when the hallucinations became too intense all I had to do was get up and go into a lighted room and walk around to regain control. This was much more controllable than a full blown acid trip.

Now for the down side. During the first five to six hours I would have to spend some period of time on the can every hour as my body tried to rid itself of everything it could. I don't think this was entirely a normal reaction to the seeds as I had made the mistake of eating a really heavy really spicy meal only a few hours before ingesting the seeds. I would strongly recommend fasting for at least twelve hours before use simply to reduce as much as possible this particular aspect of the trip - believe me even though I screwed up my first experience in some ways, it was definitely worth the discomfort and I will do Morning Glory seeds again in future.

At the seventh hour the visuals started to tone down and were replaced on center stage by aural hallucinations. These were huge droning chants and tones and were LOUD! Thankfully this only lasted for about two hours. By now I had worked up a way to deal with my rapidly approaching responsibilities so I could relax a bit more and I spent the last three hours watching the little colored pictures slowly dwindle away to nothing.

Around 10:00 in the morning I was normal enough to drop off to sleep. I spent the rest of the day in bed. The next 24 hours I felt spacey and not totally in this world. The day after that I felt an odd euphoria that lasted all day. I think I was just happy that I made it back to this world finally. I did have some intestinal discomfort for a few days and at one point thought I had done some sort of permanent damage to myself but this eventually passed away too.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26904
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 26, 2005Views: 17,763
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Health Problems (27), First Times (2)

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