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Citation:   Meilikhios. "Reevaluation: An Experience with Methylone (exp27074)". Oct 23, 2003.

175 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
This is a retrospect on the methylone experience i had more than a year ago.

It happened that i was reading a paper by Myron Stolaroff when i stumbled onto a passage describing how low doses of psychedelics (i guess it also includes entactogens, since the two classes are frequently confused) were prone to let shadow materials surface. It immediately came to my mind, like a flash, that it was what happened on my initial methylone experience. I was surprised to learn that low doses could have such effects as i was rather expecting that shadow materials were more easily accessible with big doses. According to Stolaroff, this is not quite the case as larger doses tend to 'transcend them' as he puts it, i.e. blow them away. Given his considerable expertise on the subject, i see no reason to disbelieve him. This has sparked a great interest in me about psychedelic psychotherapy and shadow materials, and especially about Jung's works particluarly focusing on that dark -but not necessarily 'bad'- part of Man.

So i think that all the negative, unpleasant and uncomfortable effects that i had felt in my previous experience must be interpreted, under that light, as the expression of surfacing shadow materials, nodes of psychic tensions, unresolved problems: a certain unresolved crisis that i had with a long term friend but was not very comfortable to confront once for all, as well as my situation at that time of social isolation borderline alienation, and feelings of despair and fear about the future in which i have been quagmired for about a year now.

However the main reason that drove me to reevaluate my position about methylone is that i have had another methylone experience about a month and a half ago i guess. It turned out to be a completely different picture this time. I did 175mg instead of 120mg since the right dose seems to be 175-250mg and oh my God what a difference ! Clearly for me taking less than 175mg is a complete waste. I won't go into much details, i will simply say that all the negative effects that i had experience initially such as yawns, boredom, impotence, irritability, unpleasant SSRI-like body buzz, etc... none of that was here, thank God. Instead of that, the body high was very clean, mini me in good shape and the overall feeling very clean and light.

It allowed for a great deal of honesty, truthfulness to be expressed with the person that was with me without any agressive defensive barriers hindering communication.

No fun, no euphoria, no rush ever. Only a compassionate clear minded openness, you know… the “window” !. Completely genuine therapeutical stuff.

The second day i was still under its influence at a very subtle level though and a light body.

The third day i experienced a return of aggressive thoughts which worried me a little until i realised that it was my defense mechanisms building back which then made them okay to exist.

Anyway the main point that i wanted to make out here was that my previous -so unpleasant- experience should be interpreted as an expression of shadow materials surfacing rather than genuine pharmacological effects of methylone per se. It is very clear now that by comparing my two experiments with this compound, Storaloff was definitely right on the issue of low doses.

One should bear in mind that pharmacology is just a part in the equation, it's not responsible for everything. As they say 'the lab is not the world' !

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27074
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 23, 2003Views: 16,470
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Methylone (255) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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