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Underestimated the Leaves
Citation:   Adddskee. "Underestimated the Leaves: An Experience with Cannabis (exp27147)". Jun 17, 2007.

10 g oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Well, I have been smoking pot for a long time now. So, it comes to no surprise that I have a pretty high tolerance for it. I don't smoke everyday. I was doing that, a couple of months ago, but I don't like to any more. About a year and a have ago, I got really tired of smoking shwag. Around where I live, it is really hard to find a really good supply of pot. So, being the type that don't let things get me down, I decide to try to grow my own. Well, to keep a long story short, I was successful. I had a small number of plants and ended up harvesting around a quarter-pound. To me, this is a wonderful and horrible thing at the same time. You're probably wondering why. For one thing, I didn't know the genetics of the plants, as they were mainly from bagseed, and I didn't how strong it is going to be. Well, I just found out.

I had some fan leaves that saved from the harvest and I decide to make some canna butter. I took all the leaves and dried them for a couple of days. Next, I took about 3 sticks of butter(unsalted), 3 cups of water and put them into a crock-pot. I combine all butter, water, fan leaves, trim together and cooked it for about 6 hours. After this, I filtered and then poured the mixture into bowls and set them into the refregerator for a couple of hours. This is done to separate the butter form the water. I collected around 25 grams of nicely green colored butter.

Well, I thought that it would probably be worthless and have little or none THC in it. So, I decide to make a milkshake and use about 10 grams in it to see how powerful it was. At first, nothing seems to happen. Then, about 2 hours into it, I started to get really high. I thought 'How in the hell is this possible?', 'There is hardly any THC in the leaves and stems'. Well, I was wrong. I was very wrong. Up to this point, I had been used to getting really high and it was nothing usually to be this high to me. In this case, I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen.

I was so stoned, that I couldn't do much of anything. It was getting pretty hard to talk, study anything, watch tv, etc. Peoples voices were getting hard to understand and my vision was getting pretty blurry. My girlfriend was starting to get very worried. I tried to tell her that it was ok, but soon after this, I started to go beyond the point that I was use to. I had crossed the line and I was going to pay for it. I had ingested cannabis this before and got the usual 'stoned out of your mind' type of high, but I hadn't experienced anything like this.

During this, I was sacred out of my mind. I was tripping pretty hard. Nothing like this had ever happened to me. I couldn't take any more of it and I had to sleep it off. When I awoke the next morning, I was still high, but I wasn't panicing like I did that evening before.

Don't get me wrong. I like to get high, but here lately, it has been getting pretty intense. In the past, I'd take a couple of hits off a bowl and I'm fine. Lately, If I do the same, it can be darn right intense. Almost too intense. I still haven't smoked any of my homegrown stuff (still cureing). I all most don't want to. but will, In the mean time, I will probably be very cautious and won't smoke alot.

I guess the moral of the story is this, Be very careful with strong pot. It can and probably will knock you on your ass if you are not careful. I underestimated THC content of the leaves and trim. They can be just as powerful as the buds and I paid for it. I learned a good lesson from this and hopefully you will to.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27147
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 17, 2007Views: 13,236
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Cannabis (1) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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