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My Family Fell Apart
Citation:   Anonymous. "My Family Fell Apart: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp27419)". Jun 19, 2006.

    Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
While my sister and I were growing up in our parents care, we never really suspected anything bad of them. I had always noticed that it was kinda weird that their entire paychecks would disappear so rapidly, and we would have no food or clothes to show for it. My parents would also always be up at all hours of the night, they would be cleaning or working on the computer, always doing some sort of project. On the weekends they would some times sleep the entire time, they would get seriously angry if my sister or I attempted to turn on the lights, or if we made too much noise. When I was 10 and my sister was 12, my sister and mom got into and argument once. My sister was terribly upset with my parents because we never had any money and we never went any where as a family and they were always angry. My sister then asked my mother if she and my father had a drug problem, my mother slapped her across the face and called her a disrespectful little bitch.

About two years later, my mother decided to run away with her new boyfriend. After she left, my dad began to get very sloppy with his habit. After awhile, I knew they had had a drug problem for quite awhile now. I still needed to hear it from them though. I asked my dad to tell the truth about it because I simply had to know. He told me that he and my mother had been doing meth for over 20 years now, and that he thinks my mother went kinda crazy off it and that’s why she ran away.

A month later, I found out that my sister had recently experimented with the drug and showed no signs of wanting to stop any time soon. I could not believe that my entire family was so weak and had been cut so deeply by this drug many like to call shards.

My dad could no longer take care of my sister and I. I moved in with my aunt and uncle, my sister ended up on the streets. She bounced from one friends house to another, I don't know how she’s doing, I haven't heard from her. My mom doesn't really call, doesn't help, and my dad recently went into a program, I hope he does good.

I have experimented with a few other drugs, I have not tried meth though, but with how much I was exposed to the habit and the heartbreak and lies and deceit that comes from it, I think I've seen enough to know that its bad news.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 27419
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2006Views: 19,631
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Methamphetamine (37) : Not Applicable (38), Families (41)

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