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Sneaked In
LSD, Cannabis & DPT
Citation:   anjovis. "Sneaked In: An Experience with LSD, Cannabis & DPT (exp27574)". Erowid.org. Oct 12, 2005. erowid.org/exp/27574

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:00 1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 5:30 1 hit smoked DPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 5:30 1 hit smoked Damiana (dried)
16.04 microdot swallowed. I walk around park area just beside the town and stop at a sightseeing place, where I could see glimpses of large lake and lots of forest.

16.34 First hints of alertness noted. Some middle-aged couple came to the same spot to talk about their marriage and I decided to move further to nearby cliffs.

16.50 Acid begun to go up. Views from the cliffs were incredible. Clouds and the landscape with the big lake were gorgeous and seemed to fill the universe.

I walked to meet my friend a bit after. Acid was taking on very hard while walking. This onset was a bit difficult part, I almost became nauseous but luckily I hadn't eaten for over 5 hours, so it passed quickly. We walked back to that same cliff to see views and talk. We decided to go back to town. An elderly lady driving by with bicycle was one interesting example of acid hallucinations. When the lady was far away, she looked like a typical old grandma with white hair and lovely, round face. She got closer and turned into a kamikaze pilot roaring along the road. When she went by, she had turned into a witch with vertically stretched face and an evil grimace. Some car that raced by near us scared me good time. The whole city buzz was very distracting. City parks with bright yellow trees had never seemed so beautiful and mystical. When we entered one such park, I felt like suddenly entering into a yellow world that consisted of us, yellow leaves forming the ground and the giants of this land, yellow trees slowly swaying in the wind.

After a few minutes of walking in the labyrinth of central city, we arrived into a friend's place where were many people that I didn't know. Reggae music was playing loud and it quickly turned into an uncomfortable, restless feeling. Not much because of those unknown people but more due to the too chaotic music. Me and my friend went back outside to have a walk along a river. Ducks were swimming in the river. Their swimming became a fascinating event to watch. They had complex paths in their swimming but the paths seemed to make all the sense. After some insightful talk it was getting colder so we headed back inside. I tried to play Propeller Island's My Beautiful VCA (which is a recommended piece of art for anyone interested in new experiences while on acid), but the stereo system didn't have good enough 3d stereo image and it didn't really work that well as it did at home. Namlook was the musical choice for most of the evening after that. I went to sit between the loudspeakers and tried to concentrate on my psychedelic state. I did sink into my thoughts and music from time to time. I also socialized and talked with a few people every now and then.

That was an interesting experience, since I have not tripped with other people very often. Especially not with people that I didn't know. People came and went, I mostly sat there in the same place thinking how they all played social games that are so very common in all social settings. Later, after the trip, I wondered if these topics came from the book I was reading, Steven Pinker's 'How The Mind Works', which tells about evolutionary psychology.

t+5h I decided to deepen my state by smoking a slight hit of weed and hash oil. So I did, but it didn't bring enough results. I also realized I didn't have nearly any normal visuals, like breathing walls, patterns or liquid ceilings. This was rather surprising considering how strong this microdot was in other aspects.

t+5h30min I decided to take a hit of DPT. So I took too medium lungfuls of damiana soaked in DPT freebase and sat down to see what would happen. First I thought that nothing would happen. I was already given up hope that I could get deeper than that, when I realized I already was quite a lot deeper than some time ago. I awoke from my reveries and realized I had not been aware of the surrounding events for quite some time. I felt very relaxed.

Again DPT took an extremely soft start and the whole transition to the deeper state of mind had passed unnoticed. It was getting very difficult to keep up conversation with people. One experienced girl had in fact suggested the weed to get rid of surrounding noise so I could concentrate on my trip, but DPT had done that job pretty well. With great difficulties I answered questions that some people asked from time to time (after all, I was a new person in their circles so they wanted to know about my background and I tried to explain myself). Music had become a constant and important part of my subjective universe. I had received quite a bunch of energy before smoking weed and DPT. Some slow, controlled movements were a good way to get rid of that extra energy. But after weed and DPT hits I became relaxed and there was no extra energy anymore, or at least I didn't feel it in the nervousness of my limbs anymore. Now I noticed an interesting phenomenon. When I touched my fingertips together, my fingers begun to glow with dim turquoise light. With eyes closed I felt the touching as an energy flowing between my hands.

At some point (I had lost the track of time completely by now) I could see faint figures through my eyelids. They were formed by sounds, exactly as if I had faint powers of Daradevil (the cartoon hero). When I heard a sound, a faint image of the cause of that sound was formed in front of my closed eyelids. For example, when some people walked by, I could see faintly their feet when they walked. When I heard clashes I saw glimpses of the events that caused the sound. This interesting feature was not strong, but nevertheless, very interesting. One of the people said to me that I should close the curtains, but I couldn't say how she said it. I asked from her about it and she claimed she had never said anything. I couldn't say if she was telling the truth or if I had imagined the whole thing.

The most remarkable moment happened at the end of DPT session, when I was already coming back to acid baseline. I was lying on a mattress and stood up quickly. I have experienced a 'black-out' phenomenon when standing up too quickly from rest (propably has something to do with brains not getting enoug blood momentarily). I always feel a bit disoriented and for a few seconds have no recollection who am I or where am I. This same phenomenon happened just then. Amplified by acid, weed and DPT, it was simply miraculous event. For a moment I was floating in eternity, seeing things that I couldn't say what they were, where they were or who I was. This moment felt literally a very, very long time. Slowly I begun to recollect what those things were that I was seeing. A table, some mobile phones, empty beer bottles, window, etc. Slowly I also gained knowledge of who I was and where I was. After I had become back to earth, I felt more sober and clear than in all my life. This only lasted for a second or two before I fell back to acid state of mind. I was stunned. I felt like a newborn. I was dropped here from nowhere and given life.

Well, it was not quite so profound experience as I may make it sound like. It was more an astonishing few moments of blackout. Other people were going to bars and I decided it was time for me to go home. After short walk in parks looking at those mighty trees again I headed back home. Next morning I felt very refreshed, even though my daughter woke me up early. It had been a rewarding trip and life was good. Next time I'll skip the cannabis and take DPT directly.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27574
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 12, 2005Views: 9,727
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LSD (2), DPT (21) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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