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More Than Expected
Citation:   Killor. "More Than Expected: An Experience with Heroin (exp27684)". Apr 28, 2007.

2 lines insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
  3 lines insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
It all started 2 years ago in my softmore year of high school when I used to hang out with my old friend, lets call him, L. L was into all sorts of drugs that I had never even seen, and one of them was Heroin. I had read a lot about heroin and since I had done weed, shrooms and acid, and a lot of other stuff, I decided to see what, 'The great opiate' was capable of. Two nights passed and I called up my friend L to come to come down with some H of he could (we would go half and half). He got to my house after a good 20 minutes and brought with him 2 bags. He said we would only be using one for tonight though. It was the purest, most potent stuff around this area he claimed, and I had no reason why not to believe him.

My friend took out his credit card and broke up 2 lines in the table, I felt ready so I approached and snorted one line in each nostril. There was no burn, only a slight, smooth feeling going through my nose. I laid back in my couch and after about 20 seconds I knew it... It was what I had been looking for all this time. It was a shadow, slowly building with tons of good emotions, getting closer, and larger, and closer, and larger. I knew what it was, it was coming for me, to please me, my new friend, Harry. I closed my eyes and felt the shadow approach and hug me from behind the couch. Instantly, every emotion Harry was built of became part of me and it overwhelmed me with rushes of every good feeling you can imagine at the same time. I had repeated orgasms for a couple of minutes and after they were done, I started feeling tingling, pinning like feelings all over my body which indicates that my body was completely num.

I tried getting up but was overwhelmed with euphoria and numness and fell right back into my seat. This was amazing, but I wanted more of Harry, so L setup 3 more lines for me and asked if it was okay for him to have the rest, so I figured it was alright since he was hooking me up with such a potent drug. Without hesitating I dipped my nose into the lines and snorted up quick. Instantly, I knew he was coming... Harry was building up again, just this time three times as strong as before and he knew he I was waiting for him. He snuck up on me this time with his all of his emotions which gave me a bunch of orgasms and ended up ejaculating in my pants, yes, that's how good it was. After the mixed emotions went away, the nothingness of life just came alive to me while I chatted with L about life in general, at this time in my life I had a lot of personal problems, but I didn't care, nothing mattered at this point. For the next 5 hours I felt this way while I talked to L and listened to music.

From what I experienced that trip, I learned how potent heroin really is and the potential it has to make people crave it and possibly become addicted to it. This was my experience with Harry.

Good luck,

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27684
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 28, 2007Views: 31,680
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Heroin (27) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), Guides / Sitters (39), Glowing Experiences (4)

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