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Soaring Through Realities While Dissolved
by SD
Citation:   SD. "Soaring Through Realities While Dissolved: An Experience with Ketamine (exp27705)". Feb 6, 2004.

T+ 0:00
1.0 mg sublingual Pharms - Lorazepam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:59   oral Vitamin C  
  T+ 0:59 100 mg IM Ketamine (liquid)
  T+ 1:15 50 mg IM Ketamine (liquid)
Last night, around 1:30 or so, I got ready for my K journey. I had been planning to do it this night all week.

My previous experience with K: 3 other times I had IM'd it (50mg, 70mg, and 70mg +50mg, 1hr apart) I had always gone into an interesting psychedelic mindscape where my life became much more, real feeling (for lack of a better word) but also distorted somewhat. If I closed my eyes I would enter a different world with various visions (not clear visions). This experience wasn't much different but more powerful. I also have experience with salvia, which has some similarities with K.

I had insufflated it quite a few times at lower doses, with drunken/nitrous-like results. I find the IM experience much cleaner feeling, and I find injecting it correctly is less painful than snorting it. The IM journey is shorter lasting but much more desirable and potent for me.

I got together the following:
Empty 20oz bottle
alcohol soaked napkins
small syringe (.5cc)
bottle of liquid k (100mg/ml)

Sometime before 2 I was ready to begin my journey. I had to take some deep breaths cause I was shaking a little. Just slightly nervous to do this dose. I took a 1mg ativan sublingual and vitamin c only to hopefully avoid brain damage. William White might not be correct, but I rather not take extra risk.

t+0- inject 50mg into leg, quickly and carefully reload the syringe with 50 more and inject into the other leg. (100mg total) The light fuzzy feeling came on in 3 minutes, gradually at first then strong. I lay down in bed after writing some comments on the computer. Injection painless as usual.

t+10- I turn the music off, like I usually do. It can be distracting and I only use it to relax as the K comes on. I am feeling 'staticy' and lightweight. My coordination is similar to having a few shots of alcohol. I close my eyes and wait for this new reality(-ies) to unfold under my eyes.

t+15-30- I am very far now. 'I' exist in a very different way. I don't currently have any religious beliefs but it is as if my soul only exists as my brain goes through some dramatic changes. I am watching things happen from an observer viewpoint-almost like I (my soul) didn't change at all, just my brain did (if that makes sense). In front of my bed, there is a black hole type gravity forming. I can't see it but feel it, everything in the room including me is spiraling around it and some things are getting sucked in. It felt similar to a 'salvia twist' but more comfortable. I wasn't afraid.

Then I was thrown horizontially across my bed. I floated like I was in a raft in water that got evenly pushed. Then I started to leave my body. I was in my head, and it was as if I got sucked into a space beyond reality which was much too chaotic and complex to ever exist, at least in this dimension. I flew down various multicolored holes as my perception of my body got very odd. Once I was a rectangle shaped thing, and shifted into complex shapes. I landed in a 'basement' like place of some weird reality. Here things get very unclear but I do remember it was colorful and entities were there, whether they were a part of my head or not. Jack Nicholson was there and he seemed to be guiding me through parts of this 'psychedelic basement reality' for a minute or 2. (I recently watched Anger Management a few times,hehe.) There were other 'things' though that weren't human and one in particular was communicating to me through nonverbal ways. He wasn't negative, but not positive. I dont remember what it intended, but I remember seeing a green thing, with pseudopods and eyes, well its pointless to try and describe well because it was so odd and complex.

I am sure there were many other entities but this was the most intense part of the experience and its hard to recall. One time I see hell from a distance and see bright red and demons, but I know it is fake and I almost laugh, I think something like 'oh look, this is where some people can have bad K trips', the idea seeming absurd as to how one could have a bad time with K. But most of this intense part of the journey I don't immediately recall doing a drug.

t+30- I keep coming from the hole (different realities) to my bed. One minute I would be laying in bed wondering if I should attempt to get up and type some of this stuff. The next second I would be back down the hole exploring and forget that I was in bed.

t+55- I finally could crawl to the edge of my bed and layed where the computer was. It was very hard to type, and I still wasnt quite there on my bed. As I was trying to type some ideas and experience descriptions, I appeared laying on the ground where I work, the computer came with me. I sort of laughed at this, but it was nothing odd because of where I been. K makes me have to urinate badly, and since I can't walk to the bathroom which is quite a journey, I go in the empty bottle I planned to use for that purpose. I filled it clear up (k can easily cause dehydration), luckily I didn't spill any.

Here is exact text from the journal at this time.>(x)< are edits:
fuck. uh hey fr >(fr means future me)<. I k holed to different realities. I am floating now(23?)am hahaha >(2:3?am)<

jack nicholson was there I think, haha. some k hole. there was a few hooles an di -kab to keep it thisway)?) >(I dont understand that)<

world sideways. damn. cant focus, eyes arent working well they are now.
what should I do?ots / some of this typing an

I am gonna do 50u more. maybe. but now I am on k extreme. like almost out of body/ is it good? yes vey uniwue

235 I am distorted. well I ccant tyoe too much,heh I'll leave that.

I think 50 more would be delightful! Nah,it might get even weirder. so. lets go........

whatever gives u pleasiure is worth living for. that was in a partial k hole with jack. ha. haha. well I feel fuzzy, a little bit psychedelic and floaty. wow I am still fucked up it comes in cycles, gotta watch out for them. right now I feel like I am >(on the ground where I work)<

>(5-10mins later)<:
240 am stuck here, lifei s ours we live it our way, the screen is floating away, my brain has so many powers.

eh 242 I kind of sobered up but that's an >(over)

t+1:10(70mins)- I am coming down. I am no longer travelling. I am in my bed pretty solidly. I type ideas and such. Some didn't make sense and some did. I appeared to have had a hard time typing. I wanted to return to that out of body world. I think about it some, then decide to go for it...

t+1:15 (t+0#2) I am still slightly dissociated but I very slowly and carefully draw up 50mg more, sterilize the site, and in it goes, no problem.

t+5-10#2-I lay back down in bed and rapidly (just a minute or 2 from fuzzy feeling to out of body) return to the K hole, it was as strong as the last one or maybe more so. I remember colors and constantly changing realities, and a neutral robotic voice speaking to me (I don't know what it said). My last entry which was a few minutes after this 50mg injection: (bye reality, I will probably lay down and dream for a while. which I did after the first k hole which right now I barely remember at all. my mind is full of happy weird radioactive fuzz.)

9am (7 hours after first injection)- I suddenly wake up. My brain feels damaged like I had alcohol poisoning the night before, but I don't have a hangover as bad as that. I feel fuzzy and dehydrated. Unfortunately I didn't wake up to reality after the second k hole until this point, so that I could type what happened. The memory is very faint.

Overall thoughts: I like the uniqueness of K. I see how people get addicted to it because it is such a profound and almost magical escape from reality, which has never remotely scared me like other psychedelics can. I have done it the last 3 weekends (my use is once a week since I got it) and I wonder if this would cause tolerance. I was expecting complete ego loss with 100mg, I got much of it removed but not all. My conscious state was similar to dreaming but much more aware and distant. At the times when I became a rectangle (merged with them or into them) and other 'spaces' 'I' didn't exist in the same way but if I would have opened my eyes I would have 'waken up' from that odd reality (with a very distorted glance of the room). Keep your eyes shut if you plan to do a beyond-recreational dose, and I recommend music only for the first 10mins. Distractions will keep you from travelling far.

I was trying to find god (I don't believe but want to), because on the last journey I could almost feel him. But the trip was much more, in me than out. K is a trip inside, and in contrast I think classic psychedelics like lsd and mushrooms are more outer. But inside can be so much more amazing and unearthly than one can imagine.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27705
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 6, 2004Views: 12,509
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Ketamine (31) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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