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Three-day Dosing for Pain
Citation:   anonymous. "Three-day Dosing for Pain: An Experience with Fentanyl (exp27845)". Erowid.org. Mar 1, 2004. erowid.org/exp/27845

50 ug transdermal Pharms - Fentanyl (patch)
I think that if you are searching for a high, or any type of euphoria with this drug, you will not get it. However, if you are seriously in constant pain, and have had no luck with other narcotics in this class, you will probably call it a godsend. I started out trying Darvocet, Vicodin, Percocet, Oxycontin, MS Contin, and Dilaudid with no type of luck in treating my chronic pain, but when I learned about Duragesic, I figured I had nothing to lose.

I got a script from my Anesthesiologist/Pain Management Doc for a total of 10 patches, which would last 30 days. I will admit the first day I applied the patch, it did not take effect, but it was nothing that some immediate release OXY-IR would not handle, and by the second day, I did not even need rescue dosages from the OXY-IR. This drug has been the best thing for my pain, and I only require Lortab 10/500's as a resuce dose now, instead of the OXY-IR. If you are someone in actual pain, I would try this drug, If you are someone who just likes to do drugs for recreation (which I have no problem with) I would definately not try this one. Have a good day all.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27845
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 1, 2004Views: 24,886
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Pharms - Fentanyl (223) : Health Benefits (32), Unknown Context (20)

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