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Finally Tried the Fermented Jewel
Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   Comfortably Numb. "Finally Tried the Fermented Jewel: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp27863)". May 10, 2006.

4 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
Well I have always wanted to try mind altering substance for a while now. As sports in my school are coming up, smoking is out of the question (And I don't mean cigarettes) Basically my two best friends Z and X wanted to get drunk. So we pitched in some money, and got our hookup to grab the booze. All that I really wanted was Peppermint Shnapps 100 proof because I love peppermint, and I wasn't really down for a shitty tasting beverage, or guzzling a bunch of beers, and being really full.

Anyway that night was a quiet night, and I just was hanging out with my sibling, and his friend. I was quite bored so I decided to try some of the stuff myself. I grabbed a water bottle and poured a tiny amount of the Shnapps in and downed it (Damn it smelled great, and for the most part going down it was smooth) Now I couldn't really feel anything so in a little while I did this again except with about a shotful in the bottle, and then diluted it with some water from another bottle. After this I felt it a little, but I soon wanted more of a drunken stupor feeling. Hell when the parents are asleep, and I wasn't doing anything on a friday why not? Anyway a little while after that it started to kick in, and I felt relaxed, and extremely comfortable. It was a pretty good feeling, but I wanted it to be stronger so I took another shot in like 20 minutes. That strengthened the effect it had on me, and I was having a very good time just sitting on the couch and watching T.V. with my aquantinces. They didn't have a clue that I was in the process of getting plastered (That is a good thing, as generally the younger population is feed anti-drug/alcohol shit to pollute their brain.

I didn't want to take a chance that my siblings friend would be a loudmouth and have something slip out as he is VERY loud) Anyway I could walk pretty good, but was starting to feel a little bit tipsy which was an awesome feeling. It's not the normal kind of dizzying effect that I get when sick, or if I hit in the head. I was trying to walk in a straight line, and couldn't really do it, but I could come pretty close. After the next 'shot' my head started to feel pretty heavy. I announced that 'My head feels like lead, but not lead, because I like mercury better.' Now it was getting really fun, and I even fell over like twice, but was easily able to get myself back up. I said to myself that I should take one last shot, and that would be it. Soon I was performing the water bottle pouring ritual, and then diluting it with water from another bottle. This time I believe I took more than one shot worth, but it is hard to tell. After this I felt very happy, and sedated. It wasn't like a dreamlike state, and I felt I was all there.

I explained the feeling to my sibling that my mind was working fine, but what came out of it was a mixture of raw thoughts, and unrefined speach that sounded not natural, but funny as hell! Soon they started laughing at me falling over, and I was laughing at myself. It was very enjoyable, but now I didn't want to walk around too much becuase it was very late at night, and I just wanted to go to sleep, and say goodnight to my sibling and his friend. Normally I am an aggressive person, but drinking kind of brings out the opposite in me. Whilst drunk, and stumbling around I found myself very happy, and therefore I was nice to my sibling and his friend. I was more nice than usual, and was even clearing up their stuff on the ground because I didn't want them to get in trouble for being pigs in the morning.

I have a decent memory of what happened, but some parts of the night are a little bit hazy. So overall I felt that this experiance was absoultly fantastic, and has opened my mind up to using this substance more often.

By the way this was my first time really drinking, and I am extremely happy that I can get pretty much cocked off my ass on like 3 shots. I would expect if I did 2 more shots I probably would literally be on my ass, and it might not be as fun as it was. Half the fun was stumbling around, just trying to operate normally without stumbling. I remember laughing a LOT, and making jokes as I usually do. Generally I was more quite, relaxed, and happy than I normally am. Also to be noted is the slight numbing effect that alcohol has on the skin. I wouldn't describe it as 'numbing' but it feels just different, but of course as everything in my first experiance with alcohol, in a good way.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27863
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 10, 2006Views: 17,179
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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