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Some Buffer Override
Citation:   Twirl. "Some Buffer Override: An Experience with 5-MeO-MiPT (exp27917)". Jul 16, 2004.

  smoked 5-MeO-MIPT (powder / crystals)
Some time ago I was contacted by a friend who told me he had a spare bag of 5-meo-mipt. The compound, n-methyl,n-isopropyl 5-methoxy tryptamine is like a chemical compromise between tryptamines with a dimethyl group (DMT) and those with two isopropyls (DiPT) as nitrogen substituents, with the obvious addition of the metoxy group in the 5-position. This, i later found out, was also exactly what it felt like.

The bag was labeled to have 100 mg:s in it. Smoking 20mg:s like Shulgin seemed a bit too hectic, so I estimated the contents would suffice for about 20 doses. However, One of the few reports suggested visual activity with as little as 2mg:s taken orally. This made me read tihkal entries for different mipts again, and I found a piece of information I had forgot all about; 5-meo-mipt is much more active orally than it is as inhaled vapour. I decided to eyeball the dose, as I too often do, but 'to be safe' I'd vapourize the material and take just a few light hits.

At the time of ignition i was feeling awake and a little nervous from the bud a friend had offered a few hours before. I loaded the lightbulb vapourizer i've previously used for smoking 5-meo-dmt with an amount of 5-meo-mipt comparable to a match head and a few minimal flakes of powder. The melting took a lot longer that with 5-meo-dmt, but after most of the material was reduced to vapour I took two light hits, as i had planned. The taste of the smoke was bitter, in fact it was almost identical to the taste of dried calea z. leaves. Some body load soon began to emerge.

My limbs felt heavy and weightless at the same time, and i would slap them around in a most peculiar way. If I held my hands up, I could feel a kind of gravity trying to move them along symmetrical curves. The ascension felt a lot like 5-meo-dmt, but instead of breaking through to the void i'd suddenly descend back to baseline - with the exception of everything feeling quite weird. After some general getting used to things, I found out that I was in fact furthest from the baseline i'd be, and it seemed there would not be a peak as such but the sustain period would probably last for a few hours. There was still some very mild nausea, but apart from that everything was quite good. My body felt balanced and energized, I had heightened mental perception and I was very happy despite being kinda stuck in a crap job and having trouble with finding an apartment.

About five minutes after doing the hits one of the friends I was visiting
came home and started playing an analog modeling synth keyboard with some electric piano sounds. As he played, i had some minor visuals that looked like hour 7 of a 25mg 5-meo-dipt trip. (For me, 5-meo-dipt is very visual with animated fractal pulses, breathing everythings and sickening colour cycles.) The weirdest part of the exprience took place when i went to the bathroom to have a few sips of water. I looked at my face in the mirror, as I usually do whenever there's a mirror around. You know how you actually look different to yourself depending on your mood? Well, i could see a kind of morphing happening with my face in the mirror. I saw an anxious me turn into a confident me, who then turned into me as a child, etc. Unlike any visual i've ever seen, there seemed to no refresh rate or any cerebral pulse glitches. Although this was very intense, there were no visuals whatsoever for quite some time afterwards. Any other object wasn't animated, clearly because my face had a lot more representations of itself in my accessible memory.

The visual effects seemed to come as waves, and the next crest came when I was reading this very website for some information about duration. I could change the font to a skinny thin writing, and then back to the default font again. I also noticed I could concentrate on parts of the text I wasn't actually reading. There seemed to some weird symbols insted of
letters, which I can't really explain. I could have focused on the symbols enough to actually copy them on a paper sheet. The spectrum of colours seemed to shift randomly on different parts of the computer's monitor, but other surroundings lookes perfectly normal. After i got back on the sofa where i hit the stuff, a friend suggested looking for Cev:s, and there were was a faint dot matrix horizon being rendered behind closed eyelids. It did need some paying attention to, though. After that I jumped a bit, because when I opened my eyes there seemed to be a rectangular entity from a salvia vision on my right. It was probably a flash from memory, because I hit salvia a few times last year on a similar sofa, and there was always an entity on the right side of the sofa.

We went outside for a walk, and during the whole walk i felt really euphoric, almost like a combination of moclobemide and tea from P. Viridis. It wasn't tryptamine mystical, thought, it was more like what they say MDMA is like (I've never really wanted to try it out). When we got back in, a friend said she wanted to try the compound out. I had some trouble getting the powder out of the bag, but i managed to get some into the vapourizer - only a milligram or maybe two at maximum. She reported feeling a bit weird both mentally and physically and briefly seeing some noise, but that passed quickly and it was obvious that her dose had been a bit small.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27917
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2004Views: 12,833
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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