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Temporary Parkinson's Disease
Citation:   Skinny Puppy. "Temporary Parkinson's Disease: An Experience with Albuterol (exp28074)". Jun 16, 2007.

  smoked Cannabis (daily)
    repeated inhaled Pharms - Albuterol  
I've used Datura (long time ago, not worth it), weed (of course), shrooms, dxm (before I knew about ketamine, hehehe) and many other things.

Last night was pretty crazy. I am not on any medication, but I rock the ganja every day. I'm shaking like a bastard now, but I think that will go away eventually. I found my brother's inhaler.

1:10-Took 7 puffs, held it in for a while. I was lying in my bed at the time. I started hearing a rhythm with a piano, and realized that the rhythm was my heartbeat. My heart was beating hard, making a rhythm in my body. I could feel the rhythm.

1:11-Up the dosage to 10 puffs. I feel the initial rush, and it is considerably stronger. Same basic thing, just a stronger head rush.

1:12-13 puffs in the bank. I tell myself that this is the last session, but it feels crazy good.

11:15-I didn't keep track of how many inhales I took this time. Must have been 25 or 30. I held it in for a good amount of time. This has become the strongest rush I have ever felt. My heart was beating out of my chest, giant purple and green rings were covering my walls, and I could hear, feel, see, and taste the rush flowing through my body. Tasted almost marshmallowy, very creamy.

I repeated this a few more times, but not with the same intensity, so I called it quits. My stomach was starting to hurt anyway. I noticed it made music sound very strange, made it sound like it was coming out of a shitty old boom box. It was kinda cool. I never experienced such a head rush. I was laughing just for the sake of hearing myself laugh. My voice sounded foreign.

Upsides: Short lived, intense, cheap and easy to get.

Downsides: Nausea, and this morning I woke up shaking like Ozzy. This is crazy. My body is in constant spastic motion, especially my hands. Hope I haven't done any permanent damage.

It is now noon, and I am shaking less. I bet this will go away.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28074
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2007Views: 14,251
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Pharms - Albuterol (241) : Alone (16), Hangover / Days After (46), Music Discussion (22), First Times (2)

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