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Opened Up Empathy Channels
by Jim
Citation:   Jim. "Opened Up Empathy Channels: An Experience with AET (exp28238)". Jan 5, 2004.

  oral AET (capsule)
Back in the mid to late 80s AET was legal and available through the usual chemical suppliers. It was very cheap 30-40 dollars for 100 grams.

I did it every weekend for months on end and found it to be quite pleasant. I mixed it with other drugs such a mushrooms and LSD which potentiated the effects. By this I mean both drugs potentiated the effects of the other. There were also many others who joined in, both male and female, and most everyone enjoyed it. There was an occasional user who got sick at the beginning and once they got through the inital wave of nausea they usually had a great time. Sometimes someone would claim not to feel anything at all. A few others thought it was awful. For the most part the effects were very much like MDMA.

In my particular case I enjoyed this more than MDMA as it was a bit more euphoric and lasted longer with a longer drop off toward the end. By this I mean instead of suddenly wearing off it would gradually let you down. It gave everything a very nice glow, everything was very warm and it really opened up empathy channels.

I'm not really sure what the dosage amount was. We simply filled 00 gel caps and ate them. Sometimes we would eat one full cap and several smaller caps throughout the night which would extend the peak out for several hours.

As with most drugs of this nature there was a hangover the next day or so but the first day you were still kind of riding the glow of the night before. I must admit that after months of weekly use I did feel frayed around the edges for a month or so after discontinuing use but I got over it and felt it was worth it and if I could time travel back to the point in my life I would do it all over again.

Exp Year: 1986ExpID: 28238
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 5, 2004Views: 22,177
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AET (299) : Various (28), Hangover / Days After (46), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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