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Everything Was Perfect
Codeine, Butalbital & Nutmeg
Citation:   Shawn. "Everything Was Perfect: An Experience with Codeine, Butalbital & Nutmeg (exp2846)". Oct 10, 2001.

T+ 0:00
3 tablets oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:10 1 oz oral Nutmeg (powder / crystals)

In the summer, my parents were planning to leave for a couple of days, and left me with the house. I had read about the effects of nutmeg and figured I should give it a try. I didn't want to be dissapointed and find out that nothing would happen from the nutmeg, so I decided to do the usual 3 codeine and 6 acetaminophen pills, which would do the trick. At about 5pm I took the pills and was filling a cup with the nutmeg. I put the oz. of nutmeg in the cup and then filled it with lemon concentrate (that really sour stuff). Then I packed on the sugar and filled it to the top with water. I stirred up the mixture and to my dissapointment, most of the nutmeg just floated to the top. I kept trying to stir the nutmeg into the lemonade but it didn't work too well. I figured that I should just try to drink the stuff. It wasn't too bad until I got to the bottom. I already had my eyes closed from trying to force the drink down and didn't see that at the bottom of the cup was a bunch of nutmeg. I just swallowed everything. I was barely able to hold it down but quickly drank some milk to try to get rid of the flavor. I hadn't eaten much lately so I figured that the drugs would take effect within maybe 45min.

At about 5:15 I went outside to mow the lawn. We have a big lawn and a riding mower so I wasn't working hard. Ususally I hate mowing the lawn but after maybe 30min I could tell things were starting to change. The sound the mower was like a low drone that was very pleasant, the breeze gave off this great feeling like never before, and the mower's usually uncomfortable seat, was the best seat I could be in. Everything was perfect. At about 6:15 I was close to done mowing the lawn and I decided to go inside and check up on myself. As I got off the mower, I found it hard to walk. I had a definite lean to the left. I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes very red and droopy. I got something to drink and went back out to finish mowing. The rest of the time mowing I just had my head slumped over and it would just flop from side to side with every turn.

As I sat down to watch tv I didn't feel like I was really with the world. I was walking around in the world but it seemed like I was one step behind everything else in the world. I was flipping through the channels and put the tv on mute, but I could still hear the people on tv faintly. Throughout the night I would run upstairs and downstairs, checking all the other tv's because I was sure they were all on. Even though I kept hearing things I felt as though I was a step behind, so it all made sence.I went to bed at around 1am and was pretty much down by then. The next morning I had a little hangover, I felt lazy and a little sore, but it was a great experience and would do it again.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2846
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 10, 2001Views: 39,495
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Codeine (14), Nutmeg (41), Pharmaceuticals (73) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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