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A Vulpine Adventure
Citation:   Smoke & Mirrors. "A Vulpine Adventure: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp28543)". Jul 14, 2004.

22.5 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
This was my first experience with ‘foxy methoxy’ and certainly will not be my last. My friend Giles had acquired large quantities of pure 5-MeO-DIPT from an online source. Before taking a new drug I would normally research it carefully, working out dosage, the expected effects, duration etc. I had had AMT the week before, a beautiful, euphoric, sociable, and controllable high. For some reason I thought that 5-MeO-DIPT would be very similar, with maybe a few colourful visuals and a slightly greater body buzz. How wrong I was.

After a few drinks in a bar we made our way towards the club. At about 12.20 I took a wrap containing about 20-25mg of foxy. Giles had taken around the same dose approx. an hour before, and as we walked up to the club he kept stopping, and with glassy eyes would point at what looked like perfectly ordinary buildings with wonder and astonishment.
Approx. 45 minutes after ingestion I began to feel the first effects. Similar to coming up on mushrooms there was intensification of colours; I felt slightly light headed and a warm buzz throughout my body. My hands appeared to be large and swollen with a bluey hue.

It seemed as if we had walked into a ghetto party in South Central LA. We were just about the only white people in the whole place, very strange you understand for Dublin. We went straight out onto the dance floor to shake some booty. As my circulation got going the effects of the foxy became more and more marked. The body buzz became more pronounced like that off a good pill and my body felt relaxed and fluid. Giles suggested we go for a walk around. As we passed from the open dance hall into the closer confines of the corridor I suddenly became aware of the visuals. There was a Red Bull sign at the end of the corridor. It began to swim with iridescent waves. I suddenly felt terribly weak and had to sit down. As I did so the visuals became really intense. I was fixated by an advertisement directly in front of me. The letters where swimming about, as if each letter was an individual piece of plastic floating on water, gently swirling and bobbing about. They would separate, float all around in different directions and eventually reassemble. I felt attached to the floor as if by some powerful adhesive, and as people passed by me I felt like I could be stepped on at any moment, like an invertebrate.

We went upstairs. Not really sure how, I just remember trying desperately to focus on each step one at a time. My body seemed determined to veer off left or right, like a car with a broken steering column. My legs and arms had begun to shake, and I sought refuse in the corner. The plan had been to stay here for a good while until this crazy shit began to wear off a little, but as soon as I had come to this decision I realised that I was horribly dehydrated. I needed to drink. I started visualizing myself in the back of an ambulance convulsing uncontrollably, my heart bursting out of my body and this stirred me into action. Like some decrepit geriatric I got to my feet and stumbled towards the stairs. Holding onto the banister I peered down a stairs of blue cheese with disbelieving eyes. Not only were the stairs made of blue cheese, the cheese itself was alive and quivering like some grotesque overgrown super-organism. Stairs one way or another meant death, I backed away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a sofa, thirst forgotten I fell into it. I was swallowed up, we became one. The effects became stronger and stronger, SO POWERFUL, my whole body was now sedated and numb as if I’d injected ketamine or something. Somebody put a cigarette in my hand. I was so fucked, there was so little strength in my body, I couldn’t even lift the cigarette from my lap to my mouth, the process continuously breaking down about half way. It burnt down to the butt without ever touching my lips.

I was a torso, my arms and legs had been banished to some far and distant place. I was floating, ethereal; spinning round and round, it was incredible, look at this place!!!!! My hearing as I had come to know it was gone and had been replaced by a series of bizarre staccato pings, blings, tics, tongs etc. As a result I couldn’t make out a single thing that anyone was saying, I would just stare blankly at lips moving up and down, side-to-side. Then suddenly the lips would stop and I would look up with chagrin to see a pair of protuberant eyes expecting some kind of response. Smile and nod, smile and nod.

On occasions I would close my eyes. The closed eye visuals were quite different to those of any other drug I’d ever had, as in, there where none. When I closed my eyes an intensely bright white light dazzled me, as if the doors of heaven had been flung open in my face. No matter how many times I opened and closed my eyes or how hard I concentrated, this sterile, brilliant light remained.

Time is simply a figure of speech. I’m drifting. Who am I, Where am I going? What’s that moving below me ‘they’re your legs’ whispers my inner ear. Oh, I’m walking, walking outside, but where to? Is this a movie set? Extraordinary characters float by left and right, one stranger then the next.

I dug deep, joined hands and emptied change into Niall’s hands. He bought me a sandwich. I poked it suspiciously, it felt like a synthetic sponge in my hand, and tasted rather like one too. It was predominantly blue and purple and seemed tasteless and insubstantial. We were walking down O’Connell Street, fellow revellers coming out of bars and clubs. What happened next still do this day remains a mystery. This could well be down to the fact that Giles and me were on foxy and Niall on mushrooms. All I can tell is what I saw. One minute we were walking down the street minding our own business, the next we were being mobbed by what appeared to be hundreds of sea gulls, like something out of an Alfred Hitchcock flick. They kept ducking and swooping at us, as if they were trying to peck our eyes out. I looked at other passers by, they seemed totally unfazed by this terrifying natural phenomena, frolicking around with care free abandon and it was suddenly occured to me that maybe it was just all in my mind. But I wasn’t the only one seeing them, what the hell was going on?

In conclusion Foxy Methoxy is a very powerful drug, underestimate it at your cost. I would liken my experience to grapping hold of the bushy tail of a giant rabid fox, desperately clinging on and being dragged through about twenty very thorny yet rather fascinating bushes backwards, don’t try to stop him or pull him back for he could well turn around and sink his fangs into you. It’s a rough drug on the stomach and physically uncomfortable in general, I found myself squirming around a lot, touching different parts of my body and saying ‘oh fuck’ a lot. Suitable for clubbing? Well that simply depends weather you are cool with ridiculously crazy out of control experiences with a lot of sinister looking people in a dark enclosed space. The decision is yours. I think this drug could be very good combined with ecstasy, it could soften the rough edges of the foxy. I found smoking peculiarly unpleasant, as if I was smoking coal or something and sleep was impossible for about 10-12 hours after ingestion. Suck it and see!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 28543
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2004Views: 11,337
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Club / Bar (25)

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