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Pediatrically Prescribed
Citation:   jezebel laguz. "Pediatrically Prescribed: An Experience with Scopolamine (exp28686)". Nov 26, 2003.

1 transdermal Scopolamine (patch)
When I was eight years old, I was prescribed a scapolamine patch by a physician's assistant for nausea. They applied the patch to my neck, and after only a few hours (3-4 at the very most) my sister had realized something wasn't right and removed the patch, promptly thereafter washing the area on which the patch had been.

I was average height/weight for an eight year old girl, and the patch was prescribed and used while i had a slight case of influenza. (The prescription of this drug in such a form to an eight year old for a touch of the flu is a mystery to me. the only explanation i can give is that the physician's assistant did not speak english very well, and may have misunderstood a very shy, sick child when she listed her symptoms.)

As for experience, I remember seeing things like flies crawling on the ceiling, snow falling in the bathroom, and a couple times claymation-like creatures scurrying around the corner or across the room in my peripheral vision. The most lasting effect by far was blurred vision, as i remember having difficulty making out words in books, or even seeing that the marks on the page were words at all.

I can't report much else as, due to the fact that i was a child, i accepted the experience with overwhelming ease. I was already feeling woozy and dreamy from being sick when the drug entered my system, so i can't differentiate between when and where illness stopped and hallucination began, nor can i identify the overlap. The only other bit of information i have to offer is a distorted sense of time, in that, until my mother informed me that i had been in that state for about one week, i thought it had been a month. This may not be the most useful piece of information, as children tend to have a skewed sense of time to begin with, but i do feel that the drug played a major part in that time distortion.

Being that this experience happened at such a young age, I am interested in information anyone has to offer on the effects of scapolamine, nightshade, or dhatura during a period of heightened human mental and/or physical development, especially pertaining to the circumstances of this case (i.e. a patch on the neck compared to the arm; a patch versus seeds, roots, leaves or berries; et cetera). I am interested in terms of how these circumstances may have affected the experience in ways different from fully developed humans; any toxicological attributes that could affect directly mental and/or physical development at that particular stage; and any long-term effects from exposure to scopolamine/nightshade/dhatura at given stages of development through pubescence.

Exp Year: 1989ExpID: 28686
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 26, 2003Views: 35,800
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Scopolamine (134) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Multi-Day Experience (13), Post Trip Problems (8), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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