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Understanding the Universe
by Jenn
Citation:   Jenn. "Understanding the Universe: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp28724)". Nov 26, 2003.

1.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
This was the first time I had tried shrooms. I was in good company and I had the most amazing night of my life. And I am not exaggerating. The night I tried shrooms for the first time was actually the best night of my life to date. First off, I had some pretty negative misconceptions bout shrooms. It was one of those drugs that I didnt want to try becuase the 'side-effects' just weren't worth it. I heard that it makes your brain bleed and that you can physically tell your brain deteriorate the next day. All NOT TRUE. I found shrooms to be less harmful than alcohol, marijuana or cocaine. When I came down I felt no pain or discomfort and I never felt the need to do it again. Although I know I will because it helps me see the beauty of the world.

Ok so now I will attempt to describe my experience (which I luckily got to record in my frd's drugjournal she conveniently brought along). I personally liked the taste of them and ate them plain and it started to kick in after about half an hour. I was warned by my exp'd friends that I would feel anxious and nervous and uncomfortable. And they were right. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my own skin in my life. I somehow felt as if all my loved ones would hate me and reject me if I didnt go home that very instant and get into bed. And I insisted and pleaded with my frds that I really needed to go home..but they kept reassuring me that it was normal and that soon I would feel wonderful... although I had some misgivings I decided to give it a try and overcame this great anxious fear that was really just irrational.

We left the house and started walking towards Queen Elizabeth Park... in Vancouver Canada (seriously the most beautiful park in the world when your there at night during a full moon on shrooms!!) And it was sooo incredibly beautiful... that I almost cried. The guys I was with called it heaven and rightfully so. It felt like eden, paradise, elysium... better than all of those. The sky was purple and the moon was a hazy and loving glow... and the plants were all different kinds of greens and purples. The colours were all so vivid and distinct. I could see the flowers breathing... moving and squirming enjoying their lives in the soil. When I inhaled I felt the goodness of life I felt my heart sing… MY HEART WAS SOARING!!

The best way to describe my mental state was of pure and utter joy and enlightenment. I felt as if I was a child once more, seeing through untainted eyes the truths of the universe. I understood then how everything was in essence 'perfect' the world was the world and that was that. Everything was interrelated and I could see each factor relating to another. I could see the beauty and infinite tragedy of the world simultaneously... and above all I FELT LOVE! I LOVED everything and everyone... I was aware of my bond as a being as a consciousness as an existence with all the other existences. It was also so beautiful cuz I could hear other people laughing and enjoying themselves in the same way we were in the park... it was like a giant playground for the new generation of innocents... it was also tragic that the world had come to this that we have to resort to drugs to make us feel this love and understanding... that we make this pilgrimage and make a ritual of this drug so that we can feel what should just be natural... but impossible in this world of greed and selfishness. But all of that was ok cuz it all worked out in my mind... everything was good.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28724
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 26, 2003Views: 13,782
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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