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With Opiate Use/Withdrawal
Modafinil, Alprazolam, Pseudoephedrine & Hydrocodone
Citation:   axismatrix. "With Opiate Use/Withdrawal: An Experience with Modafinil, Alprazolam, Pseudoephedrine & Hydrocodone (exp28982)". Mar 12, 2004.

60 mg oral Hydrocodone (daily)
  100 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
This may turn out to be important to anyone with a moderate dependence to opiates. For my own sake, I hope so, but the initial data seems very encouraging!

History: Decided to start taking Hydrocodone/APAP about 2 months ago for experimental purposes. Personally, I am one who does not get a euphoric rush from opiates, at least not recently. The first time I had taken any was several years ago before any experimentation and subsequent alteration to my brain and body chemistry. At that time, I had only about 10 Vicodin, not knowing the Hydro content, but only a half gave me a good groove, and I spread them out over several weeks, adding them to whatever else I was doing, usually extacy, but this is focused on Hydrocodone and my experimentation with it.

After about the first month starting my Hydro, I already had physical dependence. Not taking my next dose, which daily had risen quickly to about 100mg/day : (10) Norco 10/325, left me with initial lethargy, irritableness and VERY BAD intestinal discomfort. Let me just add that while taking any opiates, I suggest also taking daily swigs of Senokot laxative or Senna tablets to keep you from becoming dangerously constipated.

Immodium AD can be used to offset this physical, what I call intestinal withdrawl, but that causes constipation as well. Don't take opiates and Immodium at the same time! You'll not go to the bathroom for a month! This is extremely not a pleasant experience.

I am still not sure about supplementing DXM with opiate use to decrease dependence. I never took the Robitussin Gel Caps steadily enough to know for sure.

During my initial time taking Hydro, those first two months or so, there was very little pleasure other than warding off the withdrawl symptoms, just a little relaxed feeling someone who needed a smoke would understand.

I eventually was unable to get any more Hydro and went through withdrawls for real for about a week, each day a bit better than the last. But in order to get through it, I kept knocking myself out with Xanax ... just to sleep through the pain. Needless to say, I was not very productive during this time, but I got through it without substituting a habit of Xanax in it's place, and I have ALOT of Xanax.

But during my constant usage of Hydro, I needed something to offset the sleepiness it gave me, so I tried adding Pseudoephedrine. This made me feel sick for the most part, and the little lift it gave was not worth it, for me.

Well, wouldn't you know that after I thought I was through with all this silliness, I went and got another refill of Hydro. This is all through online pharmacies, by the way. So now here I am finishing the last 20 or so of the 90 I got only a couple weeks ago. Once again, the knowledge of painful withdrawl haunts me. However, I think I discovered something that may take care of this, Provigil (Modafinil).

The other night, I was working late as I regularly do, and I was going to reach for the Pseudoephedrine, when I searched out a vial of Provigil I had lurking in my stash. I've had this for quite awhile to offset the lethargy from SSRI's I was taking at the time, but the combination didn't seem to agree with me. But now it's a different ballgame, and like everything else, I decided to give it another try.

While mildly buzzing on my steady dosing of Hydro, I took 100mg of the Provigil. All my pills are broken in half, as the standard 200mg was way too much back when first trying it. I sat back down in front of the computer, as I am now, and to my utter surprise, I started to feel giddy and motivated, and the slothy, polluted feeling of the Hydro lifted off me like removing a wet sweater.

I thought I found a great combination to go with my Hydro, but again, to my surprise, it seems to NEGATE the opiate. I'm still trying to figure this out for sure, but today I had a dentist appointment (no, i didn't get any drugs) and instead of grabbing my Hydro that i hadn't had for the last few hours, I instead started to clean off the Halloween decorations from the porch (It's now December), take out the trash, fix some things, etc.. etc.. I didn't even care for a smoke as much.

So, my hope and initial feeling is this: taking Provigil could help you get off Hydro at least, maybe other opiates. It has a cleansing feeling, and I think it's going to work much better than doping myself with the Xanax like last time! And, at the very least, I keep working and working. Provigil may have many more surprises in store.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28982
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2004Views: 64,371
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Hydrocodone (111), Pseudoephedrine (215), Modafinil (217) : Combinations (3), Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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