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Energy To The Core
Adrafinil (Olmifon)
by Che
Citation:   Che. "Energy To The Core: An Experience with Adrafinil (Olmifon) (exp29041)". Feb 13, 2004.

300 mg oral Adrafinil (pill / tablet)
Okay Adrafinil arrives in the mail today, finally, as the French drug Olmifon. The package insert is all in French, okay I laugh at it since I can't understand French. I hope it will provide a much needed replacement for Dexedrine, because let me tell you I've taken that crap (amphetamine) for 5 years for studying at low 5mg-10mg doses and I hate it... no appetite, sleep loss, irritability, perceptual fuckups where my eyes get cracked out and jumpy, emotionless personality etc... so I hope Adrafinil will be a useable replacement .. cause wow I love to sleep and I'm totally distractable and without any stimulents I would do nothing but sleep and play guitar.

Okay so I eat the first one 1x300mg around 4:15PM after sleeping off a Friday college hangover. I notice it in about an hour, but it doesn't really feel strong at all, just like a cup of coffee or something. I start to get skeptical about this stuff....

But in the second hour, it really starts kicking, and I am quite pleased. As a biochemistry major, I'm going to suggest that the delayed onset (~2hr) is due to first pass liver metabolism where the hydroxy group on the terminal nitrogen gets chopped off.

By t+2.5H I'm feeling great, it's like a cross between dexedrine and coffee, but without any of the bad side effects (like jitteryness or irritability). I'm awake, I've got some body energy, but my pulse and body temperature feel normal. But its definitely not a high per se, nothing like amphetamine.

I've also got the mental stimulation of dexedrine (thinking alot of thoughts), but I don't feel jacked up at all, just very relaxed with a slight hint of butterflies in my stomach. The other cool thing is I was still hungry, so this stuff doesn't mess with your appetite.

So I go on a long drive, back home from college, and about halfway back home I stop and get some food. I eat a big cheesesteak and I finish all of it. This is great cuz if I had taken Dexedrine I wouldnt have eaten anything. This meal is at about T+3:45. I start to get a bit tired after this big meal so I pop another (300mg) Adrafinil and keep driving.

I get a bit tired, not bad, just some yawning for like an hour, but then the stuff *really* starts kicking. I almost feel like I'm speeding, but again its just the mental aspect of it without any sort of 'high'. If you are looking to get high or party all night, this stuff isn't what you want really. This stuff just keeps you awake and gives you a nice body energy, alertness, + mental edge.

Here is when I noticed the first side effects, which was a mild tension headache. This might have had something to do with the caffeine (coke) I had with my dinner. Regardless, the side effect is minimal and I keep driving. I get back, I'm totally awake, I see my ex-girlfriend and we chat etc.

One thing I noticed is that other than being a bit more talkative, I'm pretty much the same personality on adrafinil. If I was on dexedrine and hung out with an ex-girlfriend, let me assure you it would not be pretty, cause I'd be irritated, punchy, and impatient. But on Adrafinil I felt totally myself, other than being slightly more talkative and totally awake and lucid.

It is now 2:11 AM and I feel like I could go to sleep right now, but a friend just IMd me and asked if I wanted to go to a diner, so I'm going to. The cool thing about Adrafinil is it doesn't jack you up, but keeps you awake if you have something to do. If not, you'll find it pretty easy to fall asleep. So I highly recommend this if you are trying to stay awake, it would probably be ideal for study binges, long drives, or perhaps even staying up on a party night.

Oh by the way, be careful with this stuff if you try it... taking it every day can elevate liver enzyme levels... so if you do end up taking it every day for more than a couple of weeks get yr doc to do liver tests to make sure you dont fuck up your precious organ.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29041
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 13, 2004Views: 44,133
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Adrafinil (216) : General (1), Various (28)

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