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Combined with Coffee
Hydergine & Caffeine
Citation:   student. "Combined with Coffee: An Experience with Hydergine & Caffeine (exp29084)". Dec 29, 2003.

0.25 tablets oral Ergoloid mesylates  
  1 glass oral Caffeine (liquid)
I have taken piracetam, vinpocetine and hydergine and by far the most powerful is hydergine. One dose will not do much but if I drink a cup of coffee (for some reason coffee enhances absorbtion) with my dose I will feel the effects of the coffee magnified. If I combine it with piracetam vincpocetine and choline the result will be an intense stimulation which usually is unpleasent as it makes me nervous. When i take hydergine with coffee the effects are:

- I can memorize facts much faster (im a science student)
- there is sometimes anxiety
- I feel my mind has speed up (thoughts are fast)
- Sometimes I get a headache although usually this is present when it is combined with piracetam and vinpocetine.
- The effects could be compared to a mild dose of ephedrine but without the B adernergic stimulation.

I think the important thing here is to absorb as much hydergine as possible hence I find drinking it with coffee is the best route (I researched this fact and if anybody doubts it I encourage you to look in Martindales 1975 pharmacopia under hydergine).

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29084
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 29, 2003Views: 20,712
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Ergoloid mesylates (163) : General (1), Alone (16)

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