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Three Attempts, One Dud
DMT & MAOIs (Phenelzine & Moclobomide)
Citation:   Dr Bliss. "Three Attempts, One Dud: An Experience with DMT & MAOIs (Phenelzine & Moclobomide) (exp29333)". Dec 22, 2004.

T+ 0:00
150 mg oral Moclobemide (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:50 150 mg oral Moclobemide (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 70 mg oral DMT (powder / crystals)
I am reporting the experience of three attempts to attain oral activity of DMT without the nausea etc of Ayahuasca. Quality of all substances very high and verified. All experimenters average weight adults.

First attempt: (female)
Fasting since previous evening.
10 AM Nardil 15, 2 toast
2:15 PM Nardil 15
3:15 DMT (synthetic) 60 mg in small fragments in capsule
4:50 Nardil 15
5:00 DMT 40


fasting since previous evening
T - 60 Moclobemide 150
T - 10 Moclobemide 150
T 0 DMT 70 finely shaved from a larger crystal, in capsule

Results - relaxed, alert, euphoric feeling gradually coming on over about 1 hour. Peaked about 2 hours, then faded by three hours, but then when subject got up to move around, gradually came on to same intensity, lasted about another 2 hours.

Experiences were all very pleasant, intense richness of colors, appreciation of detail - like the hairs on the arm, the fine little blood vessels and minutest lines on the hand, were all intense, brightly colored, and fascinating. Subject desired to have sexual contact but partner was not into it. Observing two butterflies in the air - seemed to be of mythologic dimension - they were incredibly beautiful and illustrating the entire interplay of the masculine and feminine energies throughout all time and space. Body sensations were very enjoyable, desire to move and dance gracefully, much like MDMA experience in that respect. Overall a very good experience. Although colors etc were all very enhanced, nothing was seen that wan't really there.


Same as second, but this time the DMT was VERY finely powdered by scraping the larger crystal with a razor. This resulted in a more intense high point, and no secondary ones. Subject went on an imagined journey into a ritual of sacred sexuality, felt to be a combination of past life and future experience vision. Also made love during this time, with much greater awareness of sensation and feelings. Desire to move very slowly, easily overloaded by the intensity of the experience, got a lot of insight as to how to get more out of sexual connection in the future by being slower and more attentive to the experience in the moment.

1) Moclobemide seemed to work much better than Nardil for MAOI
2) Perhaps DMT needs to be very finely powdered to be absorbed properly, maybe that was a reason for the two peaks of the second experience, when the subject moved around, the rest was absorbed?
3) Only mild nausea occurred, and it was always associated with some holding of an emotion. As soon as subject relaxed it went away.

No aftereffects of any kind, other than the useful insights and good memories!!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29333
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 22, 2004Views: 20,121
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DMT (18), Moclobemide (75), Pharms - Phenelzine (145) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Sex Discussion (14), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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