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The Goodness
Citation:   Reinholt. "The Goodness: An Experience with Hyperventilation (exp29367)". Jun 25, 2007.

Me and a couple of friends heard about hyperventilating and having someone push on us with our arms crossed makes people feel great. So we tried it. I was the first to try, nothing happened. Then we tried once more and it worked so well.

When they pushing on me I thought that I wasn’t gonna be able to hold my breath, but the more I thought, the more I drifted off. I stopped thinking, nothing was going through my mind. I could see people but I know this is hard to believe but I wasn’t thinking anything of my vision at the time, I didn’t even realize that I had vision let alone that I was a person.

I started drifting more and then a complete black out and then I saw myself standing in the middle of a blue room. Then I started snapping out of it. I woke up and my face was numb. I was still extremely out of it so I continued to ramble about where my friends hid my face. Really, I thought they stole my face.

After 5 seconds I woke up and had no idea what just happened, but then it started coming back to me. My friend was like 'I thought you were dying dude! You were like twitching and moving your mouth like a fish and groaning' and I woke up completely refreshed ready to do it again and again.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29367
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 9,029
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Hyperventilation (141) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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