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The Flu Pill
Citation:   Meilikhios. "The Flu Pill: An Experience with 4-Fluoroamphetamine (exp29381)". Dec 21, 2003.

120 mg oral 4-Fluoroamphetamine
4-FA aka 4-FMP aka 4-FluoroAmphetamine.

I took 120mg of the fumarate on an empty stomach. It took an hour to kick in.

Physically it felt like a cross between being stoned and having the flu. Sometimes some chills showing up. There was also some moderate hyperthermia as often with amphetamines. Moderate heart beat acceleration. Mentally, there was a kind of matter of fact calmness, an emotionnal smooth bluntness so to speak, a tinge of cannabis-like stoning and some psychedelic-like emotional sensitivity. There was no mood lift in sight and in fact a mood that was slightly grim/sad and neutral at the same time. Pupils were dilated. After 6h i could still feel it but it was very weak and subtle, almost residual. It was never unpleasant nor threatening, but it wasn't pleasant either. It just was. There was also a faint anorexia but i ate a pizza nonetheless (i was having dinner in a restaurant with friends). Dry mouth for sure. Mini me was out to lunch. I went to sleep at about T+7h without much problem.

The next day (ie now at T+21h ) i had chills and even goose-bumps from time to time which have eventually subdued. I also have some aches coming and going on my ears, fingers and temples and my kidneys don't feel in their best of shapes. There is still a persistent anorexia (still haven't eaten) and i feel a touch of nausea could show up if i were presented food. A slight mental spaciness and i really still feel as if i have the begining of a flu. My head feels weird, almost absent. I'm not in my best of moods either, kinda down and a bit fragile physically and mentally.

All in all it's not a pretty picture. It was boring, nothing interesting at all, just a waste of time. Smoking a joint of good cannabis or taking codeine instead would have been mentally stronger and more interesting ! Now i feel sick.

I wasn't expecting this at all from what i had read. I was expecting better than that in fact, something between amphetamine and MDMA. It was light years away from either. I don't know if it's because my stuff could've degraded in solution or because i underdosed, but this is basically not something that i'm going to repeat EVER. I just flushed the rest of my vial.

Restrospectively, it seems to me like this is a toxic compound.
I would advise to steer clear of it.

Moral of the story : being a psychonaut comes with a price...

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29381
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 21, 2003Views: 52,473
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4-Fluoroamphetamine (276) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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