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My First Week Awake
Methamphetamine, Alcohol, & Cannabis
Citation:   blue bikini girl. "My First Week Awake: An Experience with Methamphetamine, Alcohol, & Cannabis (exp29412)". Jan 11, 2004.

  insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
    oral Alcohol (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (flowers)
How I got the stuff and from who is unimportant. But after hearing about meth and reading some reports here I finally worked up the courage to try some. I had a good (guy) friend of mine get it for me so I could not be 'caught in the act' of buying the stuff.

Just another advantage of being female, (and pretty cute so im told). I scored the stuff on a thursday and I got quite a bit for the price is what my friend told me. I could not wait to try the stuff and because I had so much of it, I didnt want to do It alone. I invited another (girl)friend of mine, LORA (not her real name) that I knew had done it before, to share some with me on the approaching weekend.

She told me what to expect and how to prepare. I asked questions, she answered them. She is a regular user of the stuff, but doesent look like the stereo-typical user you might see in a movie. She is actually very beautiful, and has worked before in strip clubs and escort agencies. The time came and it was friday afternoon, we were at her place because its close to the beach in San Clemente, and much more interesting than my place! She ordered 2 large pizzas and she said we HAD to stuff ourselves. This Is something id NEVER do, but I understood why because of the soon to come loss of appetite. So we did and drank lots of gatoraid to hydrate ourselves. Her living room is awesome and im glad we were there. It has bean bags, a big fur rug, a small round glass table, a big leather couch, and all sorts of neat lights. She told me many things to expect, increased heart rate, limitless energy, paranoia, but the best of all was the increased sexual desire to touch and be touched (even if we do it ourselves)

Now you must understand she is very cute and BI-Sexual. Ive always known she is attracted to me, and the more I tought about it, the more nervous I became. We started drinking beer & smirnoff to relax a bit, and im glad we did because now my apprehensions about her (and my) sexuality practically dissappeared. Lora took my sack from me and prepared 6 lines on her table for us, and a small bowl of water. she did one first and showed me how to sniff the water through my nostrals, so as not to waste any. I did mine in one big inhale, My eyes began to immediatly water and there was the burning sensation in the back of my throat, but not at all unplesant after I sniffed the water. I immediatly wanted another and her and I finished all 6 (3 each) she lit a joint and handed it to me. I was feeling fantastic, within 15 minutes I could feel my heart rate increase and almost a tingeling sensation through my body, LORA returned wearing a very cute sweat top and some cute short sweat shorts. I really thought she was cute, but I did not feel the sexual desire she said I would. I told her this and she said it would take time, perhaps a few more hours. She told me If I wanted to change into something more comfy, to just go get something from her room. I was a bit uptight and agreed. I was amazed at her collection of sexy clothes. I was like a kid at a candy store, I probally rummaged for quite a while, because She came into the room and I was trying on everything. She laughed a bit because she knew How FAST I was speeding. I just couldnt decide, so she picked out something similar to what she was wearing and gave it to me. We through on some cute flip-flops and decided to drive down to the beach. Both of us were talking 100miles an hour, laughing at each other, It was about 7 or 8 pm, and I swear we had a million guys hit on us, but then again, my mind was going about a mile a minute. We finally got to the san clemente beach/state park, where 'they say' is a nude beach, and we were determined to find it. When we got there the place was closed so we were screwed. We continplated sneaking in and skinny dipping in the ocean, but decided it was a bit NIPPLY outside. I loved this feeling. I told her how I was feeling and she suggested going back to her place and doing more. I agreed without question. We arrived and it was so warm in her place we opened the balcony door, and lit some candles. She told me to go in her room and get on the bed, so I grabbed a beer and did as I was told. I think that sexual feeling was starting to hit me because normaly I would have asked 'what for' But now, in my state-of-mind I was happy to hear her speak such words! My insides were shaking, and I was unsure of wether it was from the drug/s or the uncertainy of why she would demand such a think. She returned with a q-tip type piece of paper or something, and I remember trying to ask what it was for, before I got the words out she was kissing me and touching me in all the right places. I thought 'oh my god, this is what Ive been missing!' what a fool Ive been not to have felt this before. and in an instant her fingers were inside of me and I cried out with a moan of pleasure. She told me, a bit inside would make me cumm like a mad woman possessed on sex! her fingers did not leave right away either, for which I was thankful, Hours upon hours of sex with her, in every position, in every room. I felt like a slut, and I loved every minute of it. Ive never expierenced another woman before and as far as im concerned, it will be me and her always! forget E! this stuff rocks. It has opened a door of sexuality in me I never knew I had. I am thankful for this drug and If I become hooked, I hope sex is always this good, because Ive spent hours masterbating alone, sometimes even in my car when Im driving. It is truly one amazing drug. LORA and I get together almost every weekend and have our sexual rituals amongst her apartment. The come-down is not so nice, I feel hollow, and sometimes depressed, and usually always raw between my legs. But after a few hours (17-20) of sleep, I feel re-juvinated and ready for more! I cannot tell anyone not to do this drug, but do it responsibly - however that is!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 29412
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2004Views: 47,428
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Cannabis (1), Alcohol (61), Methamphetamine (37) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Addiction & Habituation (10), First Times (2)

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