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Long Night
Morning Glory & Alcohol
Citation:   Andarius. "Long Night: An Experience with Morning Glory & Alcohol (exp29445)". Erowid.org. Jun 10, 2007. erowid.org/exp/29445

1750 seeds oral Morning Glory (extract)
  87.5 ml oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

It was early in the day when I had got my package of morning glory seeds. I had ordered about 1/2 pound form some internet distributer.

After careful counting of the seeds with my friend, we decided to try and make a tea we had heard of in an experience on this site. We tried grinding up the 2000 seeds in a mortar and pestle, but as the seeds are very hard, this was very tedious, so we decided to be lazy and take the seeds and mix them in about 1 litre of warm water. We then transferred the water/seed mix to a blender and let it run until a puree smoothie formed. This is the nastiest shit I have ever tried in my life. Anyways, we added about 100ml of vodka to it to try and expediate the dissolving of the lsa into the mix. After about 5 hours, I proceeded to filter the gunk. This didn't take too long, and I was left with a nasty grayish mix that tasted like sewage. I drank my half of the mix, but my friend could only work up the courage to get about 1/4 of his down. I drank his. I could almost feel it immediatly, although it was probably my stomach at the terrible agony I forced upon it.

After about an hour, I looked in the mirrors to find my pupils were so dialated to the point that there was little of anything else showing in my eyes. I thought I looked like an evil demon. After about 3 hours of watching a jackie chan movie (fearless hyena) and all the episodes of season 3 futurama, I had to get on a bus with my friend. We were going to the airport, and our flight was early in the morning. On the bus to the airport, I had peaked in my trip. I remeber as though the bus was flying into the night, and that the seat in front of me was melting away into some kind of vortex. The most amazing thing on the trip was when I had thought that I had figured out the meaning to life. I was about to shout it out when I had forgotten what it was. I couldn't figure it out again.

As the trip progressed, I remember I had the distinct ability to write with rainbows off the tip of my finger. I was writing my name, and drawing pictures on the window, in full colorful rainbows. As the bus finally reached the airport, I was acting somewhat strangly as I was trying to check in at the ticket counter. It seemed like an eternity to get my ticket, as the person behind the desk seemed to disappeared into the computer and didn't come back for over 15 minutes. After recieving my ticket, I decided to find my way to the restroom to check if my pupils were still dialated. As I was walking to the restroom, I noticed that the floor seemed to be water, and when I was stepping I would make little ripples. In the restroom, I found myself not checking my pupils, but instead undressing to get into the non existant shower. This left me a little worried that I might be acting a little to strange, and my attract some unwanted attention.

I got on my flight a while later and it seemed that the short 50 minute flight to Minneapolis seemed to have taken at least 12 hours. After the flight I was in the airport, where me and my friend sat down and talked for a while. He got on to his connecting flight, yet mine did not leave for another 2 hours. I decided to go and sit down and watch the sunrise from a quiet spot. I proceeded to do so. During this time several thoughts were going through my head. One was that I was coming down from a lsa trip, but I was ok with that, and was mellow, calm and collected. Another one was about the earth and it's people and how can people exist in harmony if they define themselves as a nation and not as a species or living organism.

Finally, my thought were going through my head was the fact that I was thinking these thoughts, and how it seemed that on a morning glory trip I had this incredible ability to solve problems effectivly and well thought out. It seemed that the fact that my perception was altered and since reality is perception that my reality was altered as well. Something I had deemed inpossible. This gave me great philosophical insights. This is what left me with the calm and mellow feeling, because I knew that whatever problem that I will encounter, I will be able to solve successfully. This was the part I deem most valuable in the trip, is the hindsight of the trip, and the insight into the expierences during and after the trip. This alone made the entire thing all worth it. Finally after sitting in the airport, I flew home on my nice relaxing, insightful flight. To be home and reunited with my family for the holidays. A perfect closure to a morning glory trip.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29445
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2007Views: 6,286
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Morning Glory (38) : Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1), Various (28)

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