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Addictive? Yes and No
Citation:   petrossa. "Addictive? Yes and No: An Experience with 1,4-Butanediol (exp29450)". Apr 12, 2006.

  repeated oral 1,4-Butanediol (daily)
My girlfriend bought 10 litres of 1,4B. In the beginning she used it as a social drinker drinks. After a couple of months this slowly started to creep up till she ended up at 2 ml/2 hours. 1,4B turned an otherwise hyperstrung, sociophobic, PMS-prone female into a relaxed, secure and balanced one. No wonder I was not really opposed to her starting to use 1,4B. However the side effects that started to come into play after she hit the 2ml/2 hours mark were very disconcerting. It turned her into a binge eater, where she would eat anything in the fridge, and then went out to buy more, after which she would slump into an unshakeable coma of about 2 hours to wake up refreshed but shaky.

She gained 25 kg in 3/4 of a year.

The worst were the times it turned her into a narcoleptic. She would fall asleep standing, walking, eating. I've sat having lunch with her, watching increduously how she fell face first in her plate of food. I've walked with her, watching in disbelief how she fell asleep whilst walking. Which was actually hilarious, she stopped walking fell asleep standing up, then slowly buckled her knees, woke up sort of and stood up, walked a few yards and repeated the process.

She got away with it by claiming to be a real narcoleptic for a long time. But after 2 years using and 6 months of the worst side effects I had enough and washed the remaining 6 litres through the toilet.
after 2 years using and 6 months of the worst side effects I had enough and washed the remaining 6 litres through the toilet.
I still have the bills for the broken windows .....

She took 2 days cold turkey, which was mainly being extremely shaky, anxious, aggressive and depressed. After these 2 days she had no real symptoms anymore. I forced her to the hospital for a complete checkup, all blood values were completely within the norm.

Now, 4 months after the cold turkey she almost every day alludes to the wonderfull life she had on 1,4B and started drinking alcohol from 9 am onwards. Now she is on about 2,5 litres of wine a day.

My take on the matter? 1,4B is addictive, but getting out of it is relatively easy. After 2 years of intensive use, no notable lasting physical problems but a real mental craving. If I leave her (i.e. No one the hold her back) the first thing she will do is buy 200 litres of 1,4B.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29450
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 12, 2006Views: 2,883
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1,4-Butanediol (51) : Second Hand Report (42), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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