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AMT, Mushrooms, & Clonazepam
Citation:   neutopia. "Tensiontown: An Experience with AMT, Mushrooms, & Clonazepam (exp29589)". Dec 31, 2003.

30 mg oral AMT (capsule)
  1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  1.5 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam  
setting and backround: It was a Friday, I had already made plans with a friend to eat some AMT after our classes were over for the week. AMT is a little treat my friends and I partake in about once a month, give or take, to glide out of the stress of our studies and remind ourselves how pleasant and worthwhile the world around us is. Its easy to forget from behind a textbook sometimes. We usually dose in the evening and walk around our city until our bodies feel heavy, then get cozy and smoke some pot. It's amazing, the good it can do. Or could do...before it was scheduled/stolen-from-us, that is (I don't have a scale that is sensitive enough to measure 5meo-Amt). During the first hour or two after the onset, though, I almost always experience a body load, a swelling of tension that, even though it never gets too intense, does cause sweaty palms and tachyardia.

I had measured out 2 doses, 30mgs each, and gave one to my friend and I kept the other. This happened early in the day, the idea was to take them during our classes at 4pm to get a jump start on the usual 3 hour waiting period when classes let out. 4pm came and that part of the plan went smoothly. I got home and waited, my friend was late. It turns out he was late because he ran into an old friend who gave him an 1/8 of mushrooms. He suggested that we take them together. Now I'm not one to turn down a potential good time as long as it is relatively safe. The nature of psilocybin clears it from direct contraindications with most other drugs that I've read of. And at a festival a year or two back, I saw the upright citizens brigade perform an improv show right on the ocean while I was fungi-flipping (mushies and E) and it was trancendental (and pretty damn funny too). So I gave it the go-ahead and we split the 1/8.

The onset and peaks happened to coincide very precisely, or else one chemical jumpstarted the other. Either way, the ascent was intense both mentally, and specifically, physically. At first I was getting the normal palm sweating, then I was clenching my hands into fists, then I was clenching my jaw. I tryed to relax my jaw but it was physically and emotionally uncomfortable to do so. Also, when I did my lip would flutter and my teeth would clack. My neck became rigid and tight as if I was just dunked in ice water. I was laying on the floor in a tense little package when I realized, with my medium-tripping brain, that this wasn't so good. no... definately not. Not as nice as a hot shower, or a winning lottery ticket, or even finding $5 in a dirty pair of pants. But it was better than a sharp stick in the eye, and probably better than being forcefully turned inside out. Regardless of comparison, I decided it was time for a klonopin. 1.5mgs down the hatch. I was shaky and trembling when I tried to use my hands and I was tense but not scared.

Time and klonopin won the fight and I boarded the train out of tensiontown. The track was bumpy at first but by the middle of the journey (4h) it was pleasant. A release feels better with the more tension that is released. The contrast was very comfortable on the other side of the bodyload barrier. the end of suffering was euphoric.

My friend felt alot of the same effects as me and opted for the klonopin as soon as a mentioned it, but he agreed that he definately didn't experience it quite as bad as I did. We agreed though, the experience definately got better when the mushrooms wore off and we would have been better off with one or the other. Sometimes you forget your aim...where do you want to be, why are you doing this...more isn't always better. I overshot my goal, fun.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29589
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 31, 2003Views: 6,110
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AMT (7), Mushrooms (39) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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