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Treatment for Depression?
by VMH
Citation:   VMH. "Treatment for Depression?: An Experience with GHB (exp297)". Aug 19, 2001.

I was married to a woman who suffered from a bipolar depressive disorder that had been misdiagnosed as dysthymia (a unipolar disorder). All traditional treatments were very unsuccessful. The most useless being the traditional garden variety antidepressants. Counseling by various health care professionals did little good either. The best way I can describe her condition while taking SSRIs like Paxil, Zoloft or even worse the Tricyclics like Elavil or Pamelor was that they turned her into 'The Stepford Wife From Hell'. Her emotions were unstable, her daily routine robotic and her sex drive nonexistent.

I had been reading about the use of GHB in Europe and decided to order the Alcover brand from a place in Cham, Switzerland. After giving her the recommended dose, she became a mellow more empathetic, loving person, admitting to me for the first time in our 12 year marriage that she did have a problem that the doctors weren't doing anything for. I began to further pursue the avenue of European medicine as at that point in our marriage, I felt that we had nothing to lose. I read Bruce Eisner's book about Ecstasy and discovered that the drug MDMA had been used in experiments with depression and marriage counseling in Switzerland. I contacted Dr. Franz Vollenweider and had a brief conversation with him, where he seemed sympathetic, but told me there was nothing he could do without going through a doctor here in the US and the Swiss Consulate. I tried for several weeks to do this through the Consulate in Atlanta but by the time I got a reply our marriage had deteriorated to a point where nothing could be done.

I am not part of the drug subculture. I don't use recreational drugs and I am very careful about medications I am prescribed. I don't drink alcohol. Yet what possible harm could it have done to have undergone therapy with any substance that may have saved a marriage and helped a person's suffering? Today my estranged wife, after leaving me to raise our two daughters, lives in another state and is known to be using cocaine, alcohol and crystal meth. Nice going FDA and DEA, what do you suggest now? Your sanctioned medications and professional counseling didn't do squat.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 297
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 19, 2001Views: 24,929
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GHB (25) : Depression (15), Health Benefits (32), Not Applicable (38)

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