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The Promised Land
Huasca Brew
Citation:   kanaba. "The Promised Land: An Experience with Huasca Brew (exp29825)". Erowid.org. Jan 8, 2004. erowid.org/exp/29825

  oral Ayahuasca (tea)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
*Setting- a cool nature area in Tennessee (natchez)

It all began one day after school when a good friend of mine, J, informed me that someone he knew had procured some ayahuasca, and had the brew ready to drink. I've always been keenly interested in DMT, and this brew seemed great because it'd last so much longer than freebase DMT. Needless to say, 9 PM found my friend and I gulping down the nasty dirtlike harmala alkaloids, and drinking that revolting brew. The taste reminded me of stomach bile, a very vomit-ish taste that I found to be almost impossible to palate, but I successfully consumed the stuff, lit up a joint with my buddy, and sat back to wait. Another friend of mine was also with us, but he was unable to keep the drink down, and ended up throwing it all up after around ten minutes.

Around 45 minutes after I drank the juice, both my friend and I began to feel noticeable affects. We stepped out of the car, and stood up. I felt as if I had a ball of radiating energy in the center of my abdomen, that was gently pulsating and releasing this undescribable warmth to all parts of my body. I had the notion that this was my 'soul,' and that I was in for a hell of a trip. In about another twenty minutes, my visuals intensified in a way I had never experienced, even on some high dose mushroom and acid trips. I was wearing that black pink floyd tee shirt that shows the guy sitting in the chair in the middle of a field watching TV. J said 'man thats a cool shirt...' and suddenly my thoughts turned to the design on my shirt. It seemed as if my cognition was controlling my hallucinations, or at least was bound to them in a very influential way.

My perception quickly changed, to that of the crow's, who was sitting in the tree above the man watching TV. I looked all around me, and saw dead grass as far as the eye could see (well maybe not dead, but definitely yellow and dark lookin')... it was waving in the breeze. It all seemed so starkly realistic that I didn't even bother to think about my humanity- this trip was much too engrossing for that. I looked to my sides, and saw black feathers. This particular vision seemed to last forever- until J told me that we oughtta get back into the car, to smoke some weed.

After smoking a few bowls, I saw a spectacle which blew me away, and confirmed my love affair with psychedelic entheogens forever. Out of the windshield, all I could see was a golden city. Roman domes and arches predominated the architecture, and the streets were paved with gold. My view was looking at the city from outside the front gate, which was also gold and impeccably patterned around the frame with shifting geometric designs. I saw mechanical butterflies flying past my head, and into the city. They flew very close to my ear at some points, and my hair would shift with the disturbance they created, and I could hear the tiny clockwork mechanisms encased inside each one. It sounded like a very rapid metallic 'clicking' sound. The patterns on their wings were also pretty cool, and they reminded me of monarch butterflies, except they were glossy and gold, like all the other stuff I was seeing at the time. The black streaks on top of their wings formed interesting mandala patterns and seemed to have lives on their own, wrapping around eachother and giving me a new picture which I somehow saw, even though they were rapidly flying away from me.

This vision lasted quite a while, subtly changing, but it stayed for around an hour. Afterwards,my friends and I left the car to sit on the parking lot, and I began to 'fold space', and, for that matter, fold all of reality. I could go backwards and forwards through time, as if it was a guitar string that I could pluck at any fret, at my leisure. I would hear a conversation like 30 minutes in the future, and suddenly my friends and I had the same talk, and this bugged me out a little bit, but didn't throw me completely off balance. It seemed as if my entire visual field had become encased in a box of constantly shifting geometric designs and fractal vortexes. However, after my hallucination of the city, or my 'promised land', the organization of the hallucinations waned, and I had to be satisfied with the patterns and new geometries unfolding before my very eyes, which, I must say, I can't complain about. After around 6 or 7 hours, we went back home, and enjoyed a good night's sleep, after more bong loads. I woke up in the morning feeling a bit depleted and tired, but not as much as the morning-after-mushroom drowsiness that I always get.

All in all, a very pleasent experience, though some of the shifting of time and space and the exploring of reality was extremely intense, and, at some times, unsettling. I would recommend this substance to anyone looking for a SERIOUS psychedelic trip. I would say, even more serious than most lsd experiences. it's not to be taken lightly, and should be treated with the utmost respect. It's been two years since my ayahuasca trip, and my memory isn't perfect, but I know I'll remember the finer points of that trip for the rest of my life.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 29825
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 8, 2004Views: 12,358
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Huasca Brew (268) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), General (1)

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