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I Just Ate a Universe!
Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Ecuadorean)
Citation:   Treefingers. "I Just Ate a Universe!: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Ecuadorean) (exp29862)". Jan 26, 2004.

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15 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (fresh)
One day while walking through my house I stumbled upon a few small mushrooms growing up through the floor. My first thought was to remove the unwelcome fungi, but upon closer inspection I noticed that they were of the species Psilocybe cubensis, the Ecuadorian strain to be exact. An estimated 15 grams wet, I put them into a blender with some OJ and drank this magical concoction.

I found my brother and told him of my happy little encounter, and asked if I could hang with him for a while I shroomed. I wouldn't say that he was delighted, but he agreed to it.

In a surprisingly short amount of time I felt a definite change in my perception (I always begin to feel my mushrooms within the first ten minutes. Of course I also always take them in the manner described above, or in a tea). The world was beautiful! I was incredibly happy. While the visual aspect wasn't exactly apparent, I could see tiny details within the world around me. While gazing out the window I saw a little yellowjacket hanging on to the screen. I got up close and stared in amazement at this creation. It wasn't moving, and I was sure that it had passed on. I sat and mourned for the pest until it finally flew away. Once I realized it wasn't dead I was overjoyed and cried tears of joy for the bug's new chance at life.

My brother laughed at me, then began to play Zelda on the Nintendo 64. What a boring game. How could my brother be interested in this stupid game when there was so much to explore in the world around us? I got a bag of tortilla chips and ate them. I wasn't particularly hungry, I just felt like experiencing the act of eating. It was incredible. I could feel the chips begin to break down within my salivating mouth. Swallowing was particularly enjoyable. I was reveling in my body and the amazing feat of eating. I thought it incredible that we obtained our energy in such a disgusting manner. I loved being human. I also told my brother than I loved him several times. He seemed more annoyed than touched, but he always repeated it back to me which kept me content.

For some odd reason I decided to look at my chips up close. Oh my god! There were tiny universes within each one of them! I had already eaten an innumerable amount of innocent souls! I was filled with remorse and guilt, or perhaps maybe I had just become full.

I grew bored with video games, and tortilla chips and so I went into my room and called a few people. I told them all that I loved them. They thought I was crazy. I told them that I thought I was crazy. They hung up the phone on me. I love them, every one of them.

All in all an enjoyable day.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 29862
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 26, 2004Views: 10,542
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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