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Nothing Was What It Seemed
Citation:   Black Gem. "Nothing Was What It Seemed: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp29937)". Oct 24, 2006.

  oral 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
Two days ago me and a friend decided to try out 2C-T-2 and both took a large dosage. Having a powder form of it and no scale that could read up to a tenth of a mg we made a little guessing. Oral consumption of around 20-25 mg was what I took. Around an hour into it I had intense colors, a green lamp made the room seem all green, not just lighted but painted. That was just the start, everything started to get confusing and funny. After that we sat down to watch some strange trippy music videos that create a lot of odd things in my head. After another hour things started to get even more intense. My body had this buzz that made me feel like my soul was trying to rip my body apart from the inside. After another thirty minutes the visuals started kicking in full effect.

At this point everything was moving. Everyone's hair in the rooms was flowing like it was water, and nothing seemed to have an edge. Everything was round, and nothing I heard stayed in my mind for more then a few minutes. I was so astonished at the visuals that I kept looking at people for minutes on end, just trying to figure out if I knew the person or not. Next I realized that that tracers were coming from everything that was moving. It became with me now trying to stand, and trust me it was quite difficult to do. I just ended up sitting down again and continued to watch what was now bowling for columbine. Never seeing the movie before I got to a point of hysteria. Trying not to let everyone know what was going on in my head, but every person was changing appearance and had some crazy things going on with them.

When the movie was over we finally got up and moved around, and it was hard to walk, just simply difficult. I went outside and the cold didn’t bother me at all, and it was around 10F. Everything was strange and I had little idea of what I was looking at was real or a painting. Everything had a painted look to it, but in a good way. After we looked at some optical illusions which put me in a trance at the things they were doing.

The rest of the night was a comedown from that point ending in us taking a few sleeping pills to get to bed. The next day I had a headache but I have a feelings it was from not drinking much fluids at all.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 29937
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 24, 2006Views: 7,071
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2C-T-2 (53) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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