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My Mushroom Connection
Citation:   FunDun. "My Mushroom Connection: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp29999)". Jun 11, 2007.

  repeated   Mushrooms
Mushrooms and I have always had a love hate relationship. I began taking 'shrooms at 17 after a few terrifying experiences with acid. I used acid alot enjoyably, but after one bad trip I couldn't shake the psycosis of it, every tab eventually turned into a personal paroniod hell.

Enter shrooms.

At 17 I was dating a girl from a town close to mine and we would hang out with a few shrooms in our system. In the throws of teenage lust (makin' out) I would always have the song 'Touch me' from 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' going through my head. About three of our 'sessions' later she began singing that exact song while I was thinking it. Unfortunately, this experience, what I now know to be the budding of tantra, freaked me out and I ended the relationship.

I continued taking the miraculous little phalluses on and off for 3 years, not knowing what they truly were, until I found the book 'True Hallucinations' by Terence Mackenna. Terence opened my eyes (mabey the third a bit) to the fact that ethnobotanicals are placed here for us to LEARN FROM. They are a teaching tool, a psyonic synthesis that if used correctly can turn the layman into the temporary alchemist.

Later into my 21st year I found out that my girlfriend was pregnant. I was going nowhere in my life and was breaking off contact with her. I had recently lost my job and was going to lose my apartment. Being the coward and minor dealer that I was at the time I decided to end my life with an ounce of dried mushrooms. I choked down what I could, handfuls at a time, as far as I can recall I ingested about half of it and turned on 'The Herballiser', my favrouite album at the time, and waited for the onset of a hallucinatory oblivion.

The music became a twisted mosaic of color and emotion and soon became too much to handle, as did the fear of death. I proceeded to my washroom and vomited up about half of what I consumed. I went back to my bedroom and watched a void open up in the upper corner of my bedroom and saw the binary code that lay behind it I knew that if this void consumed me I would never get to see life I had created, and never get to know the woman I loved.

And I did love her. I was afraid to say it. So with the help of the herbaliser and the mushrooms I proceeded to write a 25 page manifesto on how I would sort out my shit and admit my love for her. And how with that love manifest we could raise our child. It took a while and her forgiveness but from me following that mystical advice we began our true relationship.

Three years and many trips later I was back at our house with a bag of what I thought were mild shrooms . I had been getting them on the regular from a friend but found them to be half strength shrooms (1gr.of these=1/2gr. effects) I wanted to get the 'Terence Mackenna Heroic Dose High'. So, in thinking 'I usually like the 1/8oz. buzz, So with these ill need 1/4+ some for the extra zing'. Chomp, chomp, chomp. Shit, I forgot Ronnie said these were a new batch.

I began meditating on the pyrimids and they in turn came to me full throttle. But they were black, with the third eye atop watching me watch them. This I found unnerving so I opened my eyes and saw THROUGH my living room wall into my computer room. The wall was cascading energy and was translucent enough for me to see the computer, the chair, desk and the rest. I need a smoke. I walked out to my back yard to find that somone switched my normal back yard for an amazon rain forest complete with exotic flora and fauna thinking I wouldn't notice. I also noticed how strange it was that with every drag of my smoke it was getting longer. I’m never gonna get out of this rain forest this way.

So, I flicked my butt and watched the endless trail of heater leave my hand and burst on the amazon floor in an explosion comparable to washington dc on the forth of july. Back into the house of energy walls and spying pyramids. But at the point of leaving nature, I started noticing that I was being noticed by somone/somthing else. Actually two somthing elses. Two cloaked birdlike figures were lurking in the corner of my computer room always just out of view. They wanted me to know they were there but at the same time, to remain unseen. They seemed to EXPAND WITH MY FEAR and contract with my love, but I didn’t want them in my house uninvited. The nerve of some dark bird entities. I was done with them and as far I was concerned they could go back to those creepy pyrimids from once they came.

So I proceeded to my love and loving girlfriend, it was 3am of course she wanted to be awoke by me so I could tell her of the grand and mystical adventure I was having that evening. But what was once my normal stair case was now the tallest set of stairs I’ve ever had the unfortune of climbing. It spiraled upward ad infinum with my terrified trippin ass stumbling upward determined to conquer them. Finally after twenty three stories and two life times I reached the second floor.

But the bird men were still on my heels. Next hurtle, the never ending hallway of horrors. Five miles (or was it steps) later I reached the gateway to psychedellic freedom. I burst through the door and saw the love of my life resting peacefully in her slumber. 'Honey' I whispered 'wake up'. She didn’t move. 'Oh no' I thought 'If those freaky bird guys find out that I can’t fight thier succubus powers with my love for my girlfriend the life I know now will abrubtly go the way of Timothy Leary's' This was no time for sleep. 'Honey wake up'. Nothing. How could she sleep at a time like this? 'HONEY WAKE UP!!!'

Finally, 'JESUS CHRIST' my beautiful flower exclaimed 'What’s the problem?!'

'I’m gonna die if you don’t, uh well I don’t know but some freaky assed birds, and see through walls and, uh.. our back yard is the amazon y'know, did our house get alot taller?' My eyes must have looked suspicious.

'Are you on somthing?' she queried.

'Remember those shrooms in my back pack?'


'I ate them'

'All of them?'

'Well, I thought that, well, yes.'

She shook her head and coddled mine and calmed me down. After watching her face float around in our bed room for a while and accepting the fact that I was going to die some day, I fell asleep. Happy and in love. I got the last laugh on the bird men. Sukas.

We did some shrooms a while ago, with no birds in sight, I found out that god is the everlasting manifestation of our collective unconscious and were still happy and in love, and our son turned three today. :)

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 29999
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 11, 2007Views: 5,448
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