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Intense, but Nice!
Citation:   sticks. "Intense, but Nice!: An Experience with 4-Ho-DiPT (exp30015)". Jan 14, 2004.

15 mg oral 4-HO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
This was a very very intense trip! Initial effects felt within 20 to 30 minutes (depending on stomach contents). It came on strong, reaching its peak within the hour and lasts for 3 long hours until it slowly tapered off. Total trip was approximately 4 hours with a nice afterglow. I must admit, I didn’t take a ‘full dose’ (cause I was alone and just testing it) and it still blew my mind away. It was almost too intense for me and at one point I kind of wanted i stop. Maybe if I had friends around it would have been much much more enjoyable.

I ended up taking approximately 15mg at exactly 9:09pm and the total trip was over by 1:30am with a nice afterglow. I opened the gel cap and poured the contents in my mouth, which was full of Gatorade. Then I swallowed the empty gelcap to get the entire remaining residue.

There is an intense body buzz that feels so good that it was on the borderline of being almost too much. I had to move and dance around to channel the energy out of my body. That was interesting because I was hallucinating as the same time. It was nothing too extravagant, just some shimmering and glowing from certain objects. The floor would move in waves and fixed light rays would reflect off of various furniture, which made everything I was looking at seem like it was moving and morphing. When closing my eyes, I was in a totally different world! I seen patterns, and images that I never knew my own mind could conjure up. I swear, if I could only draw - those images would explain it all! At one point I turned on all the lights in the house and just wandered aimlessly for almost an hour. I was so tempted to call someone, anyone. I felt like I needed to talk to someone and goof around. But no one would understand what I was feeling and my mind isn’t clear enough to make any sense. I finally accepted that I was on my own. However, my girl called from her cruise and that made me feel better. I couldn’t tell her I was this messed up cause I didn’t want to worry her and ruin her vacation.

If I were to give any advice on this material, it would be to never underestimate the power of a small dose! The 15mg gel cap I took didn’t look like it had much in it and I even questioned if my scale was even working correctly. In a size 1 cap, it was barely at the first part of where the cap started to bend (a very small amount to the eye ball, and yes I took the weight of the gel cap in consideration too)! Secondly, be with some good friends or at least someone else that you can relate to while on it. It would be even better if that person or those persons did it with you. I’m not saying I was bored, but I felt that I needed some company to help channel energy and give direction to the trip. If one chooses to be out in a public place while peaking on this… well, may the force be with you. You’re in for one heck of a trip. Personally I don’t think I’m capable of being out on this. I guess some people are more adventurous than others. Plus, I’m not a trippy kind a guy. I like MDMA a lot better. But this stuff is still pretty good, just intense; I just have to try it with friends around!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30015
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 14, 2004Views: 16,753
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4-HO-DiPT (281) : First Times (2), General (1), Alone (16)

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