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Getting tanked
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Xerxes. "Getting tanked: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp3017)". Dec 16, 2001.

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  inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)

This all started out about six months ago when a friend of mine got a job at a fast food restaurant. We had both done nitrous before, and I mentioned that having a whole tank full of the gas would be, well, a gas. After a few months at his job, I convinced him to steal an empty carbon dioxide cylinder from the soda fountain. After searching around our home town for a while, and checking out the yellow pages, we were able to find a racing supply store that filled tanks with nitrous oxide. The guy working there was reluctant to fill our tank since it was marked for CO2 only, but we told him we had a homemade racing system in our car, so he complied. It cost us about $100 to fill the tank, but it held over thirty pounds of gas. For some reason the place we filled it at added a very low amount of sulfer to it (usually its not so low) so we didn't need a filter system.
The tank was taken to a local public park, and we found a secluded place to sit in his car (windows DOWN) and do the gas. With the first lungfull everythig melted away. The music we were listening to was Ozzy, and whatever song was on (I don't remember) started getting choppy as if someone were tooling around with the volume. After a few baloons full, the music froze, and the same guitar chord kept repeating over and over like a record skipping. Every sound echoed around and faded in and out like the noise of a helicopter in slow motion. Designes on pieces of paper looked very shimmery and flickered to the music. The audio hallucinations were so incredible, I laughed out loud, and my friend did the same. The strangest thing of all, was that I was saying things that did not make any sense, such as 'WE came here for these one yea?' and my friend understood it, and I understood it, but later it was nonsense. Eventually, I passed out completely unconcious.
When I awoke, the unthinkable had happened. My first vision was of a cop. This is the scariest thing in the world, being barly concious and staring a cop in the face. My friend was still passed out, and the cop asked me very sternly what we were doing. I told him we were taking a nap. After an I.D. check and a close look at the tank, he explained that it was his belief that we were huffing CO2! This was lucky, since in my state it is illegal to be in possession of nitrous if your under 21, but CO2 only carries the standeart misuse penalty. Furthermore, he said that no charges were to be filed due to lack of evidence! what an idiot, we were sitting there with a tank and baloons passed out. Anyway, my friend was under 18 so he was taken in and released to his parents (lousy pig), but I was free to go. Overall, I give Nitrous a big ten, it is my favorite drug.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3017
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 16, 2001Views: 3,104
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