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The Man in the Moon
Mushrooms, Hydrocodone & Cannabis
Citation:   Mikey c. "The Man in the Moon: An Experience with Mushrooms, Hydrocodone & Cannabis (exp30183)". Jun 6, 2007.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:15 1.0 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:30 2.33 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
The night started out with few friends and myself buying some mushrooms. We called one of the local dealers, and asked for two 8ths. We would split it between three of us. It was to be our first time tripping on mushrooms for two us. We were both two experienced potheads, but we’ve never had the chance to enter the realm of psychedelic mushrooms. Our other friend had, had tripped with both LSD and mushrooms on a few occasions. He was to be our guide for this night, showing us a world that can’t be explained.

About 5 o’clock we left to drop off the money to the dealer. We meet up with him, and gave him the money and were told it would take about 30 minutes for him to get them and bring them to us. So we left and went to a friend’s house. It was at this time I saw fit to take the pills I had in my pocket. I had four with me, but they were quite strong and decided to only take three.

Upon arriving at our friend’s house, we went inside, greeted some of our friends who were waiting there. There was about four or five others just hanging out at our friend’s house. We sat around and bullshited for about ten minutes. Then I suggest the idea of us going outside and smoking a few bowls. Not all of our friends came outside for the session, but there was about five of us outside smoking. After about 15 minutes, we finished all the pot and went back inside. At this time, our guide received a phone call to go outside and get the mushrooms. He went upstairs and out the front door to grab them.

Everything was ready for the three of us. The mushrooms were here, we were all in the right set and setting for this trip that was about to take place. We split up the mushrooms into three equal piles, grabbed a drink of water and began to eat our meal. They didn’t really taste so great, but I didn’t really mind. The hydrocodone and cannabis had fully kicked in, and I was quite hungry due to the fact that I had been advised not to eat anything for a few hours to make the trip better. The mushrooms were all gone in about 5 minutes, and it was time to sit and wait for the trip to begin. We sat around our friend’s basement for about another 20 minutes. Then we left and went to another friends house. The rest of our friends were trying to figure out what to do on this beautiful fall Friday night. The three of us who were tripping had already found something to do.

When we got to house, we went into his kitchen and grabbed something small to eat. It was about 40 minutes after we had ingested the mushrooms, and things had yet to begin. We were all so anxiety for our trip to begin. About an hour after eating the mushrooms, things began to get different. Our trip had started; there was no turning back now. Little did my friend and myself know how amazing this night would turn out to be.

We went outside and gazed at the moon. The moon itself was near full and bright as hell. A thin layer of clouds rolled by the moon adding an interesting rainbow style effect to it. However, this wasn’t any old gaze into the night sky. I had a different type of eyes on this wonderful evening. I remember realizing that there was in fact a face on the moon, and it was gazing so pleasantly back at me. I sudden rush of uncontrollable happiness came upon me. I didn’t know why I felt this way, but I knew that everything was just perfect tonight. That no matter where we went, who we saw, or what we did, this man on the moon would be there to watch me. I felt as if God himself had made the moon look that way tonight, as if to almost tell me he was there and had been there the whole time, watching over me and protecting me.

After our little astronomy venture, the three of us got in a friends car and went to a place we call “town”. Town is just basically where all the shops are in the village we live in. It was almost garneted that we would run into various people we knew from school when we got there.

The three of us got out of the car, and said goodbye to our friend. He had been very kind to drive us to town. The walk was quite far. We crossed the street went outside the starbucks. We meet a few people from school. One of which was trying to organize a party not far from my house. We stood there and talked for about five minutes. There was so much noise and commotion coming from “town”. It was the most active area we would have been tonight. About an hour after we arrived. My friend and I decided it would be best if we left. Our guide however, didn’t want to join. So we thanked him for sharing this part of the night with us, and left.

We decided to head to where we knew some other friends of ours would be. It was about a 15-minute walk when I am sober. It took almost an hour to reach our destination. The walk was quite interesting. Once we had escaped all the bad vibes we were catching from town, things seemed to mellow out. We thought that, we had died some how, and that all the commotion in town was because we had died. Now we were on our way to heaven and nothing could stop us. The walk so was so quite and peaceful. It was about three hours after we had ingested the mushrooms when we meet up with our other friends.

There were four of them there, and they were on their way to a friend’s house to do some drinking. My friend and I decided we would join them for the journey. It was a quick walk through the woods that we had to take. I had traveled the path many times, but this time was the best. Nature was just so beautiful and grand.

We arrived at her house and they all began drinking. About 30 minutes later, we decided to walk to the neighboring golf course for whatever reason. We once again had to walk through the woods. It was the first time I had walked this path to the golf course. It was dark out, but things to me seemed so bright. We got to the golf course, and the view was amazing. You could see so far into the horizon. So many different lights emitting different colors, it was absolutely breath taken. We spent about an hour here, and then left. We walked back to our friend’s house, where my friend and I scored a ride a home.

When I got home, I said hello to my parents and went upstairs to my room. I was still tripping, so I didn’t really want to talk to them that much because who knows what I might have said. As soon as I got into my room I got ready for bed. Once I got into bed and turned off the lights, I started to see things in the dark. Lights that were in my room started dancing on the ceiling in almost a hypnotic method. I was so happy of what had happened this night; it was without a doubt the best night I could remember. I watched the lights dance as I slowly fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, I felt great. It was the best sleep I had ever had. I really enjoyed mushrooms, and was very happy I had the chance to take them.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30183
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 6, 2007Views: 6,615
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Mushrooms (39) : Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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