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No Effect
Citation:   gonzo. "No Effect: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp30249)". May 1, 2018.

1 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  1 glass oral Alcohol (liquid)
One evening a friend of mine informed me that she had 3 grams of mushrooms sitting around, and proposed that we eat them. I agreed.

Being relatively inexperianced, we decided that I would eat one gram, and she would eat two.
The important detail is that she said they were old - she'd had them sitting around for about 3 months.
We swallowed them around 11:30 or so. After we each had a drink, and then headed to a local club.
We hung around at the club for a while; there weren't a whole of people around. A little while after eating the mushrooms, I'd had some gas and a slight feeling in my stomach. Nothing else came. It was now 12:30, and I was feeling nothing. My friend reported no effects either.

We waited another hour or so, and still nothing. We concluded that they had been ineffective.
I later went home, and stayed up a more hours; they never did kick in.

Since it's pretty hard to take mushrooms wrong, and I have defintly felt effects off of one gram before, I only conclude that it was the age that effected them. I hadn't had a lot to eat, at no point did I vomit or anything, there shouldn't be any reason they didn't work. But did not. My friend, the next day, also reported never having felt any effects.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30249
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 1, 2018Views: 970
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Various (28)

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