Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
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Dexofan Stupidity
Citation:   mGoLos. "Dexofan Stupidity: An Experience with DXM (exp30312)". Mar 5, 2004.

300 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
A while ago I heard that you could high if ate a bunch of Dexofan, at the time I didn't really care because I was smoking hash daily. Three beers and a joint always messed me up worse than anything I can think of.

A few months ago I stopped my abuse and soon the restlesness and the boredom took over. So I bought 20 pills of dexofan, each containing 30mg of DXM. I rented tombraider II, turned on the lavalamp, found my notebook and got comfortable on the sofa. I swallowed ten pills with some orange juice and watched angelina jolie for a while, she is very hot in the skintight suits.

+15 min. My stomach is a bit upset. This may be caused by anxiousness.

+30 min. Something is going on, but I'm not sure I like it yet. Feeling a warm sensation in my body and still my stomach is a bit upset. This feeling continues for about another hour. In many ways it reminds me of the very familiar hash feeling.

+2 hrs. I'm not liking this at all, I feel extremely strange, my motorskills are shot, walking is near to impossible and when I open the door into my well-lit hallway I am nearly blinded. I feel like I'm extremely drunk, but still being able to focus and stand up. Nothing seems to hold my interest and I decide to go to bed.

+2.30 hrs. Something weird happens. I switch realities, my mind thinks I am walking in the city looking for something and suddenly it is real and when my mind switches thoughts I find myself very surprised that I'm lying in bed. This happens four times before I fall asleep.

+14 hrs. I wake up, I feel dull and slow, walking still takes a bit of effort and my head hurts. My cat must have been trying to wake me, because I forgot to feed him. However I dont remember waking even once.

In conclusion, this was a stupid exsperiment and one I will never repeat. The effects were present, but they were not desirable. But at least I wasn't bored last night. There are better drugs out there and for now I will merely wait for my 5-MeO-AMT to arrive.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30312
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2004Views: 18,827
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