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Whoa, What the Fuck Happened?
Carisoprodol & Diazepam
Citation:   Drake. "Whoa, What the Fuck Happened?: An Experience with Carisoprodol & Diazepam (exp30325)". May 9, 2006.

700 mg oral Pharms - Carisoprodol (pill / tablet)
  20 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam (pill / tablet)
I had just gotten home from a long-ass day of work. I work for a general contractor doing a fair share of physical labor and often come home feeling pretty sore from being on my feet all day.

Anyways, after getting cleaned up and all I sat down at the computer to chill out and decided to pop a couple Soma and two 10mg Roche brand Valiums. (T 0:00) I remember enjoying the onset of the Soma and its entertaining effects on simple bodily movements, like lifting my arms, nodding my head, standing up, etc. Soma sets in very quickly, so at about the 20 minute mark I was feelin pretty good.

But once the valium kicked in shortly thereafter (est. T+1:00), I was out. Supposedly I passed out in front of the computer, completely incoherent. Finally my friend was able to help me stamble into my bed. I remember none of this though. All I remember is waking up at 5:00am, still feeling a good little buzz, but hungry as hell, cuz I'd definitely missed dinner. It was all good tho, I fixed some leftover lasagna, ate, and returned to bed.

In retrospect, I dont regret mixing the two at all. It wasnt a bad way to pass the time by any means.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30325
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 9, 2006Views: 22,016
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Pharms - Carisoprodol (186), Pharms - Diazepam (115) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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