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Only Downside is Duration
Citation:   sepulfreak. "Only Downside is Duration: An Experience with Methylone (exp30463)". Jan 29, 2004.

T+ 0:00
150 mg oral Methylone (capsule)
  T+ 3:00 50 mg oral Methylone (capsule)
“Methylone December 2003-January 2004”

Mindset: Very stable and good mood.

Method of dosing: Capsule.

Dose: 150mgs with 50mg booster
Point of ingestion: 1:00PM.
First alert: 1:15
Coming up: 1:15-1:35
Peak: 1:35-3:00
Booster dose taken: 3:30
Booster in effect until: 5:00

(All of my Methylone experiences have had this general time frame)

Medications: None

1. During these two months, I’ve had three experiences with the drug Methylone. My first experience was with 150mgs with a 50mg booster after a few hours. I was with my girlfriend, lets call her X, who took the same dose. I began to feel a slight Phenethylamine type alert after about 15 minutes, and then bam. It seemed as though the euphoria just grabbed me. My heart started beating faster and I just felt good. My vision was getting increasingly “soft and blurry” I remember having a tracklist set on my computer that was composed of some Opeth and Enigma. Then I got on my bed with my girlfriend and stared into her eyes. There was this amazing warmth and connection that ran through me, but it was constant. It wasn’t like the rushing feeling that MDMA produces, and it was far less stimulating. It was almost even relaxing. I started to describe it as being as powerful as an intravenous Opiate, but with a pronounced stimulant effect, and more “strange” euphoria.

Me and X started touching and hugging each other, and our eyes lit up like we were in the middle of passionate sexual intercourse. We began to touch each other all over, just enjoying the feeling the drug was creating. The idea of sex excited us both enough to go for it, but I can say that I was very content with just the touching. We both got really into sex, but after a while it was hard to “keep going” on my part. I’ve never really had that problem on any drug. However, I’ve never had sex on MDMA either. I imagine it would be even worse. After about three hours, the feeling started to subside, but didn’t seem to come crashing down. It was quite soft. We decided to take a booster dose of 50mgs, and that brought on a different effect for me. Of course it didn’t overwhelm me like the initial dose did, but it brought on more of a stimulation and social willingness. We spent the rest of the time talking. I experienced a VERY mild stimulant come-down, but nothing that was at all really uncomfortable. The next day was fine as well, though I felt a little tired. That could have even been the cold I was coming down with. Overall, this was a very worthwhile, first experiment.

Mindset: Getting over a few days of mild depression.
Method of dosing: Capsule.
Trip Dose: 190mg with 50mg booster after 2 hours.
Medications: None

My second experiment was also with my girlfriend. We both took 190mgs, and I took a 50mg booster dose later. It took a slightly longer time to kick in than last time, though I might add that I didn’t eat anything at all the day I took it the first time. I was listening to some trance music in my room, and I had a slight urge to move around and dance a little. Movement felt good. I didn’t peak nearly as hard this time, though the visual softness and such were more pronounced. For some weird reason, X didn’t peak for about an hour and a half to two hours after she took it. I ended up taking a booster dose because I felt a “crash.” Through all of this, though, me and X got really deep into a personal conversation. We were really seeming to get through to some important issues. It was then that I started noticing the therapeutic value of the drug. I had been going through a few day period of depression at the time, and that may have added to it. I came down a little rough this time, and I ended up taking 15mgs of Oxycodone and smoking some Cannabis. That eased it very well. The next day was still not bad. The duration was pretty much the same as the first time.

Mindset: Very stable and good mood.
Method of dosing: Capsule.
Trip Dose: 200mgs with 50mg booster after 2 1/2 hours
Medications: None

The last time I’ve used Methylone to date, I took 200mgs and a booster dose of 50mgs after a couple hours. This experience was a good bit different considering I was with a friend, who is a guy, this time. We’ll call him A. He decided he wanted to take 12mgs of 2C-E while I took the Methylone. We were in my room reading some of my poetry and listening to some music for a little while. I felt a slight euphoria from the Methylone, and A was feeling the strangeness of the 2C-E coming on. We decided to go for a walk to a field by my house. From the time we reached the field to the time it took us to walk across it, I felt the Methylone hit me. A was considerably tripping now, though no where near the peak. We were somewhat into conversation. We made it up to a park nearby, and stood in the shelter house. It was there that I peaked. We were really deep into conversation. I was quite a bit more stimulated than before with Methylone.

The peak was overwhelming, though in a different way than with my first experience. I felt so good that I was having a hard time concentrating on conversation for a couple minutes. I found my self very empathetic and open, as well as philosophical. Me and A connected with some special synergy between the two substances we were on. Through him, I noticed the MDMA-like qualities that the 2C-Xs can have. There was also a significant time distortion this time. I felt like I had been high for a good few hours, and it had only been an hour. Once we walked back to my house, we sat there for about 15 minutes. Then I took my booster dose, and we headed to Wallmart to just look at stuff. We smoked a joint of high grade Cannabis on the way. I hadn’t smoked in about two weeks, so I was feeling rather trippy. The booster dose hit me just as A started to peak on the 2C-E, and we were in Wallmart.

I could barely handle the feelings of euphoria I was feeling. Everything was like a soft, warm, feather pillow to me, and I felt love and empathy towards people. However, A was thinking about the management of Wallmart, thinking deeply about people, and “feeling what they feel,” watching people’s facial expressions and how they dress, etc.. We were about halfway around the store, and A started thinking about society so much that he couldn’t take it anymore. We had to leave, but before we left I stopped to talk to a friend that works there. I somewhat understood what she was saying, but I felt like everything was blurred. A had no clue what she had said. He said it just came out as gibberish. We ended up just driving, listening to music and talking for a few hours after, and then I went home.

Overall, Methylone is a great substance, though it is a shame that it doesn’t last an hour or two longer. That is its only down side.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30463
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 29, 2004Views: 28,250
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Methylone (255) : Various (28), Sex Discussion (14), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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