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A Good Visionary Tool but Often Misunderstood
Morning Glory
Citation:   isabellegoddess. "A Good Visionary Tool but Often Misunderstood: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp30472)". Erowid.org. Oct 6, 2004. erowid.org/exp/30472

200 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
Morning glory does contain psychedelic compounds yet many reports fail to produce visionary experiences. The reason is context. Even though the LSA molecules are structurally similar to LSD, morning glory has its own story to tell and is not just a legal weaker organic version of LSD. In shamanic context, morning glory seeds are powerful enough that a trained healer can use them to attain visionary states in which they gain power and knowledge for healing and divining.

A shamanic aproach to a hallucinogen with knowledge of its traditional use is the best context in which to take any organic hallucinogen. It is the best way to get the most out of an experience.

200 untreated heavenly blues Morning glory seeds were pulverized using a mortar and pestle during the day and put aside. As for all my botanical adventures I set aside a night to be alone in total darkness and silence. I also pack a tight bowl of fine ganja in advance. It is an excellent tool to help guide a hallucinogenic experience. When night came, a candle was lit in the dark and about a shot of high proof distilled spirits was poured into a small bowl. The seed flour was mixed into it and stirred with a wooden spoon. After fifteen minutes the tea was passed through a coffee filter into a ceremonial drinking cup. Thick milky smoke was blown over the tea* and was covered with my hands while I softly sang a prayer. Then, as the smoke slowly diffused into the air, I drank it all in a few gulps. No effort was needed to hide the taste as my mindstate was so perfect that I didnt think about or pay attention to my taste buds as I drank.

The candle was blown out shortly after and I sat on the floor over a large blanket and sat still while I waited. This is important because you want your mind state to be ready when the more powerful effects begin, they take about an hour to an hour and a half. Lsa seeds tend to make you sick, some people experience nausea or if you're like me you get a lot of pain in your stomach. Especially Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. HBWR has a reputation for giving people vey unpleasent discomfort, blurred vision, and terrible hangovers. My previous experiences with HBWR made me familiar with such side effects that last for several or many hours.

This particular experience failed to produce any serious sideffects. In fact I had a hard time believing it. I began to feel the seed potion doing its thing in my stomach shortly after I drank it, I recognized it as I was also anticipating it. But then, I dont remember exactly when, it went away. Not only did it go away but it never got to be terrible at all. This morning glory was very clean.

I laid back as my visual perception became more active and brightly lit. In the second hour there were cevs but nothing too vivid or highly detailed. However my state of consciousness felt highly altered and I felt myself slip into ecstatic trances in which I would hear wildly rumbling, a pulse with a rythmic bass whose pace increased and decreased almost like a doppler effect on frequency of waves. The sound reminded me of things I had heard during a high fever when I was a child, like an object very light and small like an eyelash and at the same time something very enormous and heavy like a hundred ton boulder. My mind had that same feeling I get on mushrooms of being shown other lands, hidden dimensions of nature, by some intelligent animate being, whose vehicle of communication with humans is through nature.

Overall the experience was still not a full dose experience. Morning glory fascinates me because of its traditional importance and because many modern drug users are unable to successfully integrate this hallucinogen in their psychedelic diet. Context is the key to attaining visionary states with botanicals like morning glory. Learn about its history in mexico, and attempt to create a shamanic-like set and setting.

* I learned to do this from blowing smoke over ayahuasca. Basically it purifies the brew and makes it so that it will give beautiful visions.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30472
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 6, 2004Views: 22,009
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Morning Glory (38) : Mystical Experiences (9), General (1), Alone (16)

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