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Nice Mix
California Poppy & Leonotis leonurus
Citation:   Blazin420. "Nice Mix: An Experience with California Poppy & Leonotis leonurus (exp30476)". Feb 16, 2004.

  smoked Leonotis leonurus
    smoked Poppies - California
I had a sample of wild dagga that was given to me about 2 months ago. I just put in my desk and forgot about it. I'm a bud smoker and had never tried smoking herbs. Well after 2 months I took a trip to the smoke shop again and bought a new glass pipe. And the guy gave me a another free sample this time it was California Poppy. I just put it in the desk like I did with the Wild Dagga. Two weeks passed and I ran out of bud on a monday and had to wait till friday to get paid. I cleaned out my pipe and all that good shit and got a nice buzz. So on tuesday I was all out of THC. (bummer)I started wondering if those free samples would get me in a good mood.

First I tried the Wild Dagga 1 bowl. It tasted kinda like some strong homegrown leaves. It was not that bad I felt a little something I was more calm than before. I put it up and got on the internet and looked them both up and all that. Well that night I took them both out and thought I would try mixing them together and see what that would taste like. I put the Wild Dagga in the bowl and the California Poppy on top. Fired it up took the whole bowl in one hit. Holding it in I got the feeling and taste like I was holding in some cheap bud. It was not bad at all. I held it in for about 30 sec as I let it out I got light headed and the creeping feeling I get from bud. After the third bowl of the same mix. I felt like I have never felt before. It was like I was a little stoned and floating with a burst of energy. I did not even go to sleep that night I started cleaning and all kinda stuff like I was tweeking off of crank. Racing thoughts and not wanting to eat. It was like no buzz I ever had. It's the ideal buzz for some yard work or just chilling. Because the buzz from the mix gives me energy but I am calm. It would be nice for getting on the computer and surfing the web.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30476
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 16, 2004Views: 28,506
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Poppies - California (279), Leonotis leonurus (119) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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