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Candlelight Tripping
Citation:   Archaeo. "Candlelight Tripping: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp30538)". Oct 29, 2006.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-T-2 (capsule)
  T+ 0:00 1 repeated smoked Cannabis (ground / crushed)
  T+ 8:00 2 tablets oral Pharms - Ibuprofen (pill / tablet)
It had been many, many months since I had last tripped. It was with 5-MeO-AMT, and I don't clearly remember it, although I remember working the next day and it was horrible. My friend had to leave my High School however, so I had no chance to do anything else. Since then, she has come back, and things have gotten regular. Her friend had been trying to get 2c-i, but there was some sort of shipping mistake and 2c-t-2 was sent instead. So, after a few weeks of expecting the 2c-i to come in, I was surprised. It was a Friday night, cool, wintery in January. I hadn't eaten in roughly twelve hours.

My friends stressed for about an hour before we finally found a place to trip. My friend (C) has a small apartment behind her house, a one room deal that she's been house sitting for a friend. C's friend wouldn't mind us using the apartment, so we went there. The power was out, except for one outlit, which we loaded up with a heater and a stereo. We also filled the room with candles, and as all of my friends were experienced trippers, we had glow sticks and two 'magic wands,' balls on the end of flexible wands that could be twirled around to make patterns as they switched colors. I personally bought a fiber optic wand with many plastic 'fibers' that changed colors.

I didn't take notes during the experience, but I can recall generally the flow of events.

Around 11:00, we each took 20 mg in tissue paper pills (Myself, C, D, and J). A, another unexperienced girl (who I was not aquanted with at the beginning of the evening), took 10. We settled in and smoked some marijuana, and listened to music while we talked about general things, ect.

I began to feel an intense body load around 12:00. My limbs began to shake, although I think this might have been something I could have stopped - it wasn't a bad body feeling at all. I was beginning to feel euphoria and while there was a deep feeling in my stomach, it wasn't a bad feeling.

After about 1:00, I lost track of time altogether. I would feel like hours had passed, and it had been five minutes. I had a very lethargic feeling, as if moving would change my perspective to some great degree. While pot was being passed around the room at random intervals, I didn't feel any great need to partake, although it was rewarding when I did.

A, who was being rather negative throughout the trip, stood up at one point and went to the bathroom to vomit. I have a feeling it was psychosomatic, especially since she took such a lower dose. However, I can't speak for her.

Visually, I found the experience to be very fun. There was a great deal of smooth movement and the light from the candles made the entire room feel warm. Although we were worried it would be too cold, I was very warm throughout the entire trip. At one point, I grew attached to a green glow stick because it was a cool light. My thought process was not as introspective as D's was, and C seemed to be having a trip more akin to mine. D said afterwards that it had helped him get things in order, but I felt more like it was something to experience. I didn't spend much time being introspective, but much like my experience with 5-MeO AMT, I found myself listening to other people talk and enjoying what was happening in a more passive way.

Around 2:00, I went outside with D and J. Partially, I did this to smoke, but it was mostly to get out while A and C had a conversation. We discussed how negative and annoying A was being, but as they drifted back towards the apartment, I stayed out in the alley and had another cigarette. The trees especially had a smooth, claymation motion effect. D came back to join me, and we discussed how the drug was.

From about 2:30 to 6:00, things slowed down a lot. The euphoria lasted longest, and the smoothness continued, although the very intense patterns I had at the peak (around 1:30-2:00) dropped off quickly. Around five, a headache began to develop, and by 7:00 it was full blown. I also had something of a stomach ache, so I didn't join in breakfast. C and J were next to me on the bed, and when I mentioned my headache, they passed ibuprofen. I took it and within about thirty minutes, I fell into a deep sleep. I felt a lot better when I woke up from my nap, and around then, J and D were getting ready to go home. I left around then too, as A had left hours before. When I got home, I fell asleep and remained so.

Summary: As this was the first trip I've had in a long time, I've little to compare it to. I wish it had been warmer, because it would have given me a chance to be outside longer. It was the best point of my trip. The visuals were smooth and the tracers were fun, and there were some nice patterns at the edge of colors. my depth perception was screwy, especially when I was gauging the distance with a light.

Physically, I held up well until the end. A few days afterwards, I felt very drained. My friends agreed with this. The body load at the beginning was somewhat unpleasant, and the lethargy wasn't what I was expecting or wanting. A's reaction still surprises me, especially since I had such a good experience. The headache at the end was not entirely unlike the feeling at the end of a night of drinking. I would hesitate before doing it again, not because it was especially unpleasant, but it simply feels like too soon. Overall, however, I found it to be exciting and a good experience - I hope it launches a season of tripping.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30538
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 29, 2006Views: 7,904
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2C-T-2 (53) : First Times (2), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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