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A Distant World
by Po
Citation:   Po. "A Distant World: An Experience with DPT (exp30647)". Feb 5, 2004.

50 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
I had never heard of DPT before until my friend filled me in on what it was. I had heard of DMT, and when I heard that DPT is like its brother, I immediately wanted to try it. I had 50 mg. Of DPT to myself, which I separated into 2 fat lines, and snorted both of them around 10:30 p.m. This chemical had the most horrible taste I have ever tasted, and it just wouldnt go away. It clung to the back of my throat and everytime I would breathe through my nose, I would taste the stuff and it started to make me gag. I felt that it was going to make me vomit, so I headed over to the bathroom no more than 2 minutes after I had taken the lines. I dry heaved one time, and that was it. I had already begun my trip.

This was unlike anything I had ever done before. It was not like mushrooms, it was not like dxm, and it was not like morning glory. It was in a league of its own. I started out staring at the mirror, right into my own eyes. My skin started to peel away layer by layer, until all that was left was bone, but that soon peeled away to reveal the face of a demon. This scared me quite a bit, and made me draw my eyes away from the mirror. I then decided to take a bath, because I was tripping very hard, and wasnt sure what to do. I soon found out that any constant noise, i.e. the running water, or a fan, would make my insides do different things. For example, the running water of the bathtub made everything on my body seem to be twisting around, as if I were in a tornado, and the fan made everything flip flop. It seems hard to understand, but that is the only connection I could make with the feeling.

I had my shirt off because of the bath, and I started staring at my chest and stomach. I saw little worm-like creatures crawling out of my belly button, and up my torso. Now, they didnt look as if you actually took a live worm and placed it on your stomach, but they looked like 3-d polygons of color that I could feel slithering in and out of my skin, and up and down my chest and arms. I have a tattoo of a wine glass on the inside of my arm, and when I stared at it, the wine kept flowing out, and down my arm onto my hands, where it gave me the ability to see through the skin, into my veins. This facinated me more than scared me, as I have never seen anything like this before. After breaking out of this trance, I turned off the bath water because I wasnt sure why I had turned it on in the first place.

One thing I noticed during this whole experience was that I had a strange connection with hummingbirds. They were everywhere...coming out of the walls, the ceiling, my floor, everywhere, and this was the only real constant thing during the trip.

After I left the bathroom I went into my room and decided that I wanted to really fall into a good trip, so I sat on my bed, pulled my knees up to my chest, and then wrapped my arms around my legs as if I were a ball, and put my head down and stared into the darkness. Suddenly, I was rising through space, into the solar system. I could see stars, planets, and comets as if they were real. I then began moving outward. Out of our galaxy. Past earth, mars, venus, saturn, and all the others. After passing pluto, obviously the last planet, I figured I would stop moving, but I didnt. I kept traveling, past more stars, and more planets that I was not familiar with. I had thought that I had discovered another solar system not in our galaxy. Soon I heard strange alien noises, such as static electricity, or something along those lines. I attempted to respond, first with a 'hey' and found that everything I said would echo. I then attempted to use my friend's strategy for when he falls into a bad trip...he says 'nope, im happy!' over and over again with a smile on his face until it works.

But when I tried saying this, I asked myself another question...what are you happy with? And I really couldnt answer...every question was responded with another question, until I basically bore it down to that my existance means nothing. I could die today, and it wouldnt affect anyone, or change anything in the least bit, and it disturbed me knowing that my existance is that unimportant.

After the series of questions I pulled myself out of the trip and just layed on my floor gazing at the ceiling for awhile, enjoying my coming down from the whole thing. I was much more at ease now, and I was enjoying everything a lot more. The total time for this trip was a little over an hour, only it seemed like I was out of this world and out of reality for days. Time did not exist where I was.

In conclusion, I highly recommend this chemical to anyone who likes the mystical experiences of trypamines, but I came to the realization that if I did insufflated any more than 50 mg., the trip would have gone out of control. It is very easy to lead oneself into a bad trip with this chemical, but it is definately an experience, and is well worth it. I woke up the next morning perfectly fine, with no nausea or headaches or anything. It was truly an experience.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30647
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 5, 2004Views: 22,770
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DPT (21) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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