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Almost like the Real Stuff
Citation:   Storm. "Almost like the Real Stuff: An Experience with Tramadol (exp30909)". Jun 22, 2007.

100 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
I found a link online to purchase the pain killer Tramadol and what do you know, I received my bottle of ninety 50mg pills only a few days later. I have a strong love for pain killers such as Oxycontin and Vicodin, and I was told Tramadol is easy to come by and gives much of the same effect. So yesterday I took 2 pills at once and sat around waiting. Here is a summary:

The good:
About an hour after taking them, I noticed more of a 'speedy' effect than I had anticipated, as in, I felt like I had taken some Ritalin (a stimulant used to treat children with ADD) because I became a motor mouth. I am not known for talking that much, but when my girlfriend came over she didn't understand why I suddenly felt the need to talk all night. On this drug, talking actually *feels* good - like every word that leaves my mouth somehow makes me feel better. Cigarettes also 'felt' better during this period.

Soon after I also noticed I was able to concentrate better than usual, I spent nearly 2 hours playing a game on my computer that I usually only play for 30 minutes or so, but it just felt good to play it.

After I played the game, I 'mellowed out' as I typically do on pain killers. This feeling isn't quite up there with the scheduled substances (such as Oxycontin) but given the lower price and higher availability of Tramdol, it's an even trade.

The not so good:
It was difficult to sleep. I laid down, my body was tired, but my mind wasn't. I also itched slightly in certain areas. Nothing major, but just enough to be an nuisance. Somewhat of a dry mouth also.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30909
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 22, 2007Views: 11,346
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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