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DNA-Ladder to Heaven
Citation:   Phsychonaut. "DNA-Ladder to Heaven: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp30927)". Jul 14, 2004.

10 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (pill / tablet)
Me and two of my friends (we can call them C and H) had just obtained three packs of 5meo-dipt each containing two 10mg tablets. My two friends had ingested 5meo-dipt before, but I was still unaware of the power in this psychedelic substance. They both had experienced wonderful trips on the drug and was eager to do it again and so was I.

We were at my neighbours house (whose also done 5meo-dipt, but he's experience wasn't to good so he didn't wish to do it agin.
My two friends C and H ingested both there tablets, making a dosage of 20mg each for them. After some quick thinking whether I should take my 10mg tablet or not, I gathered some courage and took the tablet (I wasn't feeling like I had to take or something like that, it was just that I was so damn nervous).

A couple of minutes later(20-30min) while we were listening to some music, I started to feel the effects; I felt dethached from reality and my thoughts were really racing, I couldn't keep a single thought still in my head they were all floating away in the colorful pattern on my eyelids, I realised my eyes were closed and opened them. The walls were all distorted and moving in a wavy way, when I looked at a light it looked like a rainbow. Things was staring to get too much, I got up and noticed how light my body felt, I turned down the music cause I felt the music was controlling my thoughts and it was scarying me. I just couldn't let go of the reality I had, I couldn't let my thoughts float out into space.

I suggested to my friends (after some difficulty getting the words out) that we should walk back to my house and be there instead (I thought it would be more comforting being in a place I'm used too or something). We then started our long journey towards my house (100Metres), time was moving soooo slow and even slower when you are not feeling well. I had extreme tunnel-vision and when I walked forward the vision would draw it self out so that it seemed I was walking but didn't move forward. When we finally got to my house, me and my friend C quickly crawled up my sofa and pulled a blanket over us to warm us (extreme shivers). My friend C didn't feel that good either, actually he was having a full-blown Bad Trip. It was horrific to take 10mg and feel like shit, but he took 20mg and he had been at a party and had drunken and smoked quite alot the day before so he was pretty hung-over, that's probably why he was Bad-tripping.

Anyways the next two hours it didn't happened much, wait I looked at the clock and it hadn't been TWO HOURS, it had been 10minutes!!! WTF extreme time-distortion, oh my god this will never be over I thought, but that thought quickly floated away in my head. Me and C crawled into my bed in hope to get som sleep, but that wasn't gonna happen, not with this racing-thoughts thing. At some point C walked back home to try to get some sleep anyway and left was me and H. I went back to my bed and descided it was best to just lie there, then I realised why I was so uncomfortable with the trip. I was resisting, I tried to fight the drug and get back to reality. And I had read that that was the last thing you should do, you should just let go and flow. And so I did, I descided that I was just gonna let go and enjoy all the colorful patterns, insight it gave me.

When I had lied down in my bed for quite a while (No perception of time...) I descided it was time to get up and discover this new and distorted world, I wen't out to take a piss and came back in to H, who was sitting in the sofa, he asked me if I was ok and I said 'great'. The following hour(s) we just sat there and listened to music and man, did that music sound great or what! It was awesome, totally orgasmic, especially when you're looking at a Christina Aguilera poster that star to dance to beat of the music, I just got so breathtaken by all the baetiful patterns on wall, ceilinf, floor yeah everywere. We then walked back to my neightbour and the walk there was soo cool, IT can't be desribed. Anyway we sat i our neighbours house and listened to music, I then walked back home and went to sleep.

I didn't feel much after-effects, some mild headache but that's all. And for anyone who wishes to try 5meo-dipt or any other Halluciogen remember, DO NOT RESIST!!! DO NOT PANIC!!!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30927
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2004Views: 7,926
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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