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I Became Fully Awake
by AA
Citation:   AA. "I Became Fully Awake: An Experience with Hydrangea (exp30952)". Jul 16, 2018.

5 leaves smoked Hydrangea (leaves)
A Jump

I was getting into bed that night. But I wasnt tired, so I looked at a couple of herbal smoking sites. There I saw only one herb I could easily reach and that was hydrangea leaves. So I ran outside to get some. It wasnt long before I found a pot full of them. So I pulled off 5 leaves. Thinking that that was going to be almost too much. I got back to my house and realized I had to dry them. I left them in the oven for an hour on 160 degrees and they were dry enough. I couldnt believe I was doing this but I was. I sat with my home made pipe preparing to smoke the leaves. I started at around 11 oclock. The smoke wasnt all that bad. It just smelled of something I couldnt put my finger on. An hour later I was wrapping up having felt no experience. As I went to sleep about 2 minutes later I felt a buzz. I was for the second time awake fully. I was very happy and things looked so much brighter. I had these happy jumps for the next half hour. It was very pleasent and I will probably do it again. But do NOT do it at night because youll never get to sleep.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30952
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2018Views: 2,404
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Hydrangea (635) : General (1), First Times (2), Preparation / Recipes (30), Personal Preparation (45), Alone (16)

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