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I Don't Condone Oxycodone
Oxycodone, Beer, & Cannabis
Citation:   Giger. "I Don't Condone Oxycodone: An Experience with Oxycodone, Beer, & Cannabis (exp31027)". Feb 20, 2004.

10 mg oral Oxycodone
  0.5 g smoked Cannabis
  1 cup oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
A friend of mine offered me a couple oxycodones for a reasonable price, and I was a little curious. I'd considered trying oxycontin several weeks prior and decided not to, mainly because it involved taking a time release pill or crushing one, and I didn't want anything that strong.

The next afternoon, I ate a single 10 mg table (they said WATSON on them and then the 3-number code for watson 10 mg oxy, I looked it up before I ingested). My reading on here led me to believe this would be a weak dose, and I almost took two.

After an hour I wasn't really feeling much at all, so I smoked a little. This gave me a very mild body buzz, so I figured 'hell with it' and slammed a 12 oz molson. That was probably a mistake.

Ten minutes later I was literally too wasted to do anything. I decided to watch a TV show on my computer, and I felt pretty good until it ended, but then I didn't know what to do. I'd go into the bathroom and look at how fucked up and swweaty I was and freak out, and then I'd sit back down on the couch and decide I felt wonderful.

And so for the next three hours, this sine wave existed, of flashing back and forth between feeling wonderful and feeling like absolute worthless junk. I never felt physically ill, but when I closed my eyes everything got 'choppy', I would immediatly become unable to think about anything other than how wasted I was and how much I wished it would stop. Then I'd 'sine wave' back up, and feel like it was a good feeling again, like a really really strong hydrocodone buzz.

What bothered me the most was that even though the experience was neutral at best and hellish at its worst, for the next week at least, every day I would consider taking another oxy, even though the logical part of my brain knew I wouldn't really enjoy it. I understand how people can get hooked on this stuff, and that sounds, to me, like a fate worse than death, literally. I still enjoy my vicodin here and there, but my advice to anyone is, don't mess with oxy in any form unless it's prescribed to you for a medical purpose, this is NOT a 'fun' drug. I don't really know how much the single beer amplified the effects, but I don't really aim on ever finding out, either.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31027
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2004Views: 48,152
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Oxycodone (176) : Alone (16), Addiction & Habituation (10), Difficult Experiences (5)

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